First time grow. Wavy leaves


New Member
Just want to know if this is normal or I’m doing too much of something. I’m in a 3x3 light is a sf400 (a bit of overkill but I plan on getting a 4x4). I’m currently running the light at 35% about 30 inches away. Day time temps 78 degrees RH 65. Night time temp 70 degrees. I’m in soil FFHF. Haven’t feed them any nutes. Just distlled water ph to 6.5 with a bit of cal mag(since using distilled water) and one time gave them ph water with great white. I mist the top soil once every other or every two days. It has been 7 days since they sprouted.


Well-Known Member
Mine looked just like that for the first few weeks. And look now. Some one explained it to me as: just like how a new born baby is all wrinkly and soft. Dunno if that's true but they came right on their own

