First time grow, White Widow Max, LST

Dutch Blazer

Active Member
Hi everyone this is my first grow I am currently on. Its just a coffee can grow, nothing too big.

White Widow Max seeds from

Im using ffof soil
this is an outdoor plant, on my roof

no additional nutes

Im using dryer sheets around the can to work as insect repellent and seems to be working wonders

yesterday she just showed the first signs of being female, YAY!

I am attempting to LST this plant in hopes of raising the already low expected yield

I am basically posting this in hopes of a response of an experienced grower with any tips or advise or anything you could tell me that would help.
So far I think everything is going well, the leaves seem healthy and the plant strong.

wondering how the LST job looks here and if what I done is correct.

I just tied this over 10 minutes ago and then watered.

Thanks in advance to any response to this post, and i apologize if I posted this is the wrong thread as this is my first time posting here.



Well-Known Member
How old is she? Looks healthy. I would transplant into something bigger and not use your roof. I would also get rid of the aluminum foil.


Well-Known Member
Plant looks healthy... and i would ditch the tin foil as well. It reflects more heat than light imo. Lst looks ok as well. Good luck on your first grow man. So far so good...


Well-Known Member
Most definitely get a bigger pot and like[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] 808killahz and BBbubblegum said do away with the aluminum foil, it's more of a hindrance than a help. Other than that it's looking good man. I'm doing WWM feminized right now from the same place you got your seeds. Good strong strand. [/FONT]

Dutch Blazer

Active Member
Thanks for all the responses guys, I appreciate it.

So Ive ditched the foil and tied the base down.

As for moving the plant from the roof, I dont really have any other place that I can put it and feel safe, Its more of an aluminum awning tho, above my back porch. (as for the pictures below this is a temp location they were in just for today, as I am on the east coast and had some hellacious storms yesterday)

and as far as transplanting, I would like to have it in a bigger pot, how much of a risk to the plants health would this be and is it very difficult to achieve, will it affect my LST or would I just tie it back down like it was after transplanting

I would really like to order a 400w hps light within the next week to finish this under
