First time grow with mr. Growpro


Hey guys joined a little while ago and have been non-stop reading! So much good information on this site it's insane.

This is my first attempt at a grow so ANY advice or suggestions are more than welcome.

here are some of my specs so far:
Mr. Growpro black pc case(
Going soil with the gallon air pots
It should be here early this week so I will update with pics ASAP

Seeds I ordered:

Order Inventory:
Product: Auto Seeds Berry Ryder
Options: Feminized Cannabis Seeds - Pick 'n' Mix
Quantity: 1
Product Code: AUT2117

Product: Nirvana Seeds Auto Blue Mystic
Options: Feminized Cannabis Seeds - Pick 'n' Mix
Quantity: 2
Product Code: NIRG69

Product: TGA Subcool Seeds Jilly Bean
Options: Regular Cannabis Seeds - Pick 'n' Mix
Quantity: 2
Product Code: TGAM125

Product: FEMINIZED UFO #1 Kannabia Karamelo
Quantity: 1

Product: FEMINIZED UFO #2 World of Seeds Landraces Pakistan Valley
Quantity: 1

This is where my first question comes in, I plan on doing 1 plant at a time at first.... So what should I try first??

Second question, with the autos is topping or supper cropping not a good idea?

I also need some help with what soil I should use. I know everyone on here will say get fox farms but I might try to make my own since I am using it on such a small scale.

Well thanks for reading hopefully by Friday I will have a seed germinating!!


No idea on grow pro. I built my own cab. I used pro mix organic soil. Being my first grow I wanted to get basics down first.
I would germ more than one, you risk the seeds being bum, and it would really suck if you only germ one seed only to find a make later.
Do you have the grow pro? Post a pick.


Not yet still waiting for delivery. Trust me as soon as i get something worthy of taking a picture it will be on here. I was thinking of germing an auto and one of the freebies I got.

Question ogonzo... Do you still add nutes to that soil? I am looking for a mixture that I pretty much just need to water as this is my first attempt at a grow. in such a small space I don't wan to spend tons of money of specific nutes.

And thanks for the response!! Hopefully pics will bring some other people's insight!


Hey Md03gli,
I've only added a little bit of nutes for transplant. I'm holding off a solid week of veg so I know the roots take and then I'm going to start adding at a diluted rate. You can use just water if you want, but you won't get the yield that you might want to get.
Why are you not looking to use nutes?
What kind of soil are you planning on using? Try to stick to organic as much as possible, you may have to add perlite or something for aeration and drainage to the soil. If you are going to use something, please avoid using something like Miracle Grow - it works, but the time release nutes in it can do some harm.


I have read enough on here to know to stay away from MG and soils that have time release. Keeping it organic is my goal down the road, but for now I really just want to be able to grow it and harvest. I have read about subcools super soil and things like that but I am also trying to be stealthy so having a huge pile or compost isn't really ideal


Well-Known Member
hi Md, you could just dig up some soil from the garden, dig a few inches down and then fill ur pot up, I would add perlite, maybe 40/60 in favour of soil. Only use water at the beginning and get as close to 6.5ph as poss, I filter mine, as far as nutes I use mg, I use 1/3rd to 1/2 strength every 3rd water, wait till she has established herself well b4 feeding, every 2nd water I add Epsom salts, some ppl crush the salts up to dust and then add water but I dilute the salts with a little hot water first, obviously then mixing with your watering water. you will only need to water her once a week which will then become twice and soon three times but you will be able to gauge that yourself. hope this helps. this is just the way I do it and seems to work for me. good luck and happy growing :-)


Haha what a simple answer thank you! My dad has 3 garden boxes on the side of our house I would just need to see of he added anything to it this year.

I also have a sort of mentor, who is not growing any longer and is passing all his knowledge to me, who has a person mix that we just mixed up last week. I forget exactly what was in it but I know there was a big ol bag of bat guano we uses haha. I will most likely be using that but I am scared that it will be to strong for a young plant.

Thanks guys for the info on a thread with no pics!! I am like little boy on Christmas waiting for the FedEx guy haha


Also I am a little lost on what type of pot I should use. The case is 26" high so I would say about 23" or so with lights. It also comes with a scrog screen. I was thinking maybe a shallow long pot so I can grow it the length of the pot and then flower.

Sorry for excessive posting I am just excited!!!!!


You can use pretty much anything as long as you have drainage. I'm using a Tupperware container, someone else suggested a 2l bottle, he'll you can even use a colt 45 bottle (they're plastic right?).



Ahh ha! I was looking at the mobile version but now I see what I need to do.

This is also a pic of the box. Not my box just a pic from the website. Mine should be here Thursday


The BLaKsmith

Active Member
Looks good! I was thinking about getting a pc case to start the plant while I build my cab then use it as a veg and clone box after. where'd you get yours?



Alot of choices for medium and lights and its a little bigger than most pc cases I think 26 or 27"


Ok so at the last minute I decided to change it up and I just started to germ the world of seeds Pakistani valley. It's a photoperiod fem seed.

The reason I switched as as this being my first grow I wanted to practice with lst and scrog before I go and ruin an auto.


Well-Known Member
I like the looks of that pc case! That should be pretty nifty. I'll definitely be watching this to see how you get along. I'm in need of a stealthy way to grow and this could be just the ticket. Good luck dude :D