I’m getting closer to the end however plant doesn’t seem as vibrant I do see the buds forming along with yellowing of the leaves this is going into week 5 of flower is this normal or is there something wrong
I’ve got a pest control regiment I’ve been applying bi weeklyPowdery Mildew is a given outside but simple to stay on top of. High PH water will disrupt the cells and dry and kill the stuff. 1 tablespoon of Sodium Bicarbonate (household baking soda) to 1 gallon of warm water. Drench spray once a week seedling to harvest.
Caterpillars in flower are your worst nightmare and you are well past when you should have started spraying. BT Thuricide starting at the first signs of flower once a week right up to the week of Harvest. Organic rated BT is destroyed by sunlight in a few hours so weekly or even twice a week treatment is required.
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View attachment 5298627
Thank you thoughCool. I'm never sure 1st timers know what the threats are outside.