First time grower, First time poster.


Active Member
Out of curiousity, is it worth smoking male plants?
I've heard various people telling me different things, some insist that although it's not as good as a female (obviously) it's still worth smoking.
Others have demonised the male plant and insist that it should be burnt at the stake, whilst not inhaling.

Views on the matter?


Well-Known Member
Views on the matter?
Hiya Toke

Kinda depends on which stage of male growth you're referring to. If you pull your males early in flowering, there's not much worth smoking on them although they still produce Cannabinoids in the same way that females do. Dried crushed up male leaves will give you a 'buzz' of sorts but it won't get you high - not enough THC or Cannabinoid content.

If you're talking about a male who's been allowed to flower, there are certainly parts of the male flowers that produce THC and resin spheres and these can be treated in exactly the same way as a female in terms of smoking although the THC content will be somewhat less than the female - it'll still get you high though.

So there you have it :)