First time grower First time problems, whats wrong with my plants!


Hey all, first i would like to thank each and everyone of you individually for looking at my post... But, since that will take too long I will say Thank You all in advance.
I have started to have problems with my 5 week old vegging GDP Plant the a few leaves are starting to Turn yellowish and starting to Curl. I use a PH test kit and it was way off for a day or 2 it was around 7.0 Lowered it back to 5.4 woke up and it was off again but not by much. It is in a 10 Gallon res with 2 other plants DWC with a ultrasonic fogger airstone and top feeding I am using Great White, Hygrozyme, General hydro Flora, Cal Mag and B52. i thought it was nute burn so i flipped it over to transition at half strength. They are under a 400 watt Metal Hallide and were at 5 inches until i raised them yesterday to about 16 inches. Also once i get this sorted out should i clip the leaves or leave them.
Thank You All So Much Once Again.



Should i do a flush with Just r/o and great white for a day or is using half strength of the transition period of flora a reasonable solution?

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Looks like some sort of burn, sure clip the damaged parts.

Cooltube, I don't think distance matters, but what do I know.

From what I see, the damage is minor and localized and you've taken action. I wouldn't be worried.

Your's look better than mine +rep.

Have fun


Well-Known Member
The tips do show signs of nutes being too high but the really bad spot looks more like something splashed on it.