First Time Grower, looking for opinions.


Hi everyone! I've started my own grow set up, and using what I've gathered from this site, i have made what i think is a pretty good set up. I am using a 400w MH for my veg right now, and i have an HPS for flowering. I put mylar on 2 tri-fold diarama boards and one side of my room. The unfortunate thing is this is a room that was already in my house and i don't really have the time to modify it.
I have 4 really nice (and in my opionion) healthy G13 clones. I have them in a blend of Ocean Forest and Happy Frog soil with some worm castings and vermiculite. I just picked up some FoxFarms liquid nutrients today (big bloom, big grow, tiger bloom)
, and plan on getting the solid nutrients ASAP.

Just wondering what you guys think so far, and when you think i should start flowering and what not. I figured at about 8 weeks of veg (2 weeks friday). They are about 12-13" now. Any idea as to how much they could yield or how big they'll get?

These babies are in 5 gal. pots and im watering until i get a bit of drainage every 2-3 days. My PH is slightly acidic but im trying to even it out.

Are my baby girls healthy?!?! Will they be nice and tasty?!



Active Member
Everything looks great! Follow the instructions on the nutrients and expect the plants to double or triple in size when flowering.


Active Member
Looking really good. Flower them when ever you want, just know that they will grow 2-3x during flowering so take that into consideration.


They look great! Nice healthy looking leaves, no discoloration that I can see. They look well fed and well lit. Nice work. Prepare yourself for great highs :clap::joint:


Thanks for the support everyone! Quick question though... do you think i should get more boards and stack the mylar? It seems like they're going to get pretty big lol


I have always been to the opinion that if you have a closet plant you must have plenty of room not to interfere with the leaves or having the lights too close. adequate space is fundamental for the growth but than again your plants look so healthy I may just be completely wrong about that. In any case adequate space so that the leaves don't touch the walls seems a good idea. Give it another foot or so all around if you can. Certainly it wouldn't hurt in IMO.


Well-Known Member
when u start flowering them(12/12), i think that theres a chance that u will run into some issues with the space you stated about they will double, sometimes triple in size within 3-6 weeks....but keep up the killer work man...u got a natural greenthumb...ganja


Well I've thought about this a lot... the thing is that i can't really change my room (don't have the approval yet), but i'm really concerned about the width of these girls lol. I really wasn't expecting them to be so bushy XD!! If i can modify the room, There is a shelf that i would just totally rip out of there which would approximately double the width of my grow space. The problem is that the shelf used to support fish tanks and i don't know how they are built into the house or if they are foundations for anything else like walls or something. I'm not any type of construction person lol... but anyways the fish tanks were huge and mounted behind our bar in the basement, sadly we had to remove them but i got a grow room :) If i can tear out that shelf i would be soo happy.