First time grower needs help please!!


New Member
OK so I germinated 3 random seeds that i have gotten out of random bags that I have bought so I don't know if it's a male or female and right now I'm in the process of making a PC grow box. As you can see in the picture below the two leafs on top are folding in and I'm using soil that has good drainage and right now I don'y have extra money to go out and buy the nutrients for the plant that it needs so my question to you guy's is... what are some methods that I can do to feed it with out going and wasting money right now? download.jpg :joint::weed:


Well-Known Member
It's a seedling for gawd's sake...
Chill.... when you transplant, yes you'll make it...
Just use new soil from any company, and ammend it by adding:
Perilite 20%
Vermiculite 10% or so
"Potting" soil, can be organic or not...
If you can add any:
Plant tone/Root tone/Bone meal/Blood meal... it would be good when mixing your transplant soil....
You gotta grow it out....
It'll be fun!
Good Luck!

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Dont fertilize for the first 3-4 weeks of growth. Then get a complete, soluble fertilizer such as Peter's, Miracle Gro or Schultz's with the lowest analysis available (NPK). Use less than the recommended amounts printed on the label such as a 1/8th to 1/4 solution to help prevent over fertilization (the most common beginner mistake) and only fertilize every 7-10 days, slowly ramping up the concentration as the plant matures. If you are determined to stay "organic" , a basic 5-1-1 fish emulsion can be suitable for your entire grow. Invest in a digital pH meter and small containers of pH "up" and pH "down". Mix the fert solution you chose then slowly adjust the pH to a range of approximately 6.1 to 6.7 so that macro/micronutrients will be available to the plant and not tied up due to acidity/alkalinity issues. Don't think that you must buy the fanciest , most expensive fertilizers for good results. Many times you are paying for colorful, trippy graphics on the labels and little else. Invest in good genetics from the start and the plants will need little besides water, light and rudimentary care from you.