First time grower questions


New Member
So here are my two babies.

i have a few questions

1. how do they look? Today they're 5 days old.
2. How much water do these need? I have water in a spray bottle so like 10 sprays? Idk
3. Are two 23W CFL's good for now? They're in a box and I have better lights,



Well-Known Member
Throw a sandwich bag over each cup for another week or so; they look dried out mang. They don't need tons of water, just keep the soil "moist". 23w for two seedlings will be alright for a week or two but they'll start stretching towards the light and get too lanky by week 2-3. gl


Well-Known Member
Stop with the spray bottle. You don't want water on the leaves because it magnifies the light and can burn the seedlings. Your seedlings aren't bad but they aren't perfect. Careful with the over watering too, that soil looks soaked. Get another cup of the same size and fill it with dry soil. When that cup and your cup with your seedling in feel the same weight, that is when you should water.


Well-Known Member
They are fine for their age. A half-dozen sprays each day around the roots will do for watering. NOTE: if that is the seed cap still on your bottom plant you need to remove it asap. I use 2 toothpicks to gently pry the cap off. BigSteve.


New Member
I agree with watering by weight. That's how I do it, and my results have been consistently good thus far.

I disagree with removing the shell. I believe these things usually self-resolve ... It's kinda like nature and stuff.
-I should clarify, I think inexperienced hands on delicate seedlings has a greater potential for deleterious effects than simply waiting. My recommendation is to ensure they have plenty of fresh air, and let them catch a bit of a stiff breeze from time to time.

I believe your current lighting will suffice for a while, no worries.

Unsolicited advice: don't micromanage. They're fine. Relax and let them do what they do, ya dig?