first time grower


Active Member
hi there folks first time grow i vegged for 5 weeks and started flowering the other day i have 5 on the go but one of them the leaves dont look good need a bit of HELP!!!!! has any one got any advice temps 78 humidity 60 ph level 6.5 the one with the bad leaves is c 13 haze the others are white widow thanks in
advance :peace: out
here are some pics
and do the others look ok..



Hey Im a first time grower OUTDOOR.
I have a question my plants are just starting to flower was the beggining of your flowering process slow and then did it speed up.


Active Member
I'm a big fan of misting. Also what are they being fed and how often? How often do you water and how much water does each plant get?

I'm going to test out something from the Mr. Green vids and use carbonated water for misting so the plants get some Co2 as well. I'd give it a heavy dose of water through the soil and a nice misting on the leaves and see what happens. That's just me though.


Active Member
am feeding 1ml bio grow and 2ml bio bloom and 1ml top max they are in 15 ltr pots 3.3 gal water every 4 days 2 ltr every plant


Active Member
again, my opinion... stop with the bio grow, that's veg nutes. second, you should've let them come off the veg nutes for about a week or so (2-3 waterings of nothing but water) before you started giving them bloom nutes.

but, that said, the other plants have been on the same stuff and look to be doing ok. I'd just give it a nice dose of h20, mist it and see what happens in the next 24 hours. You might just have a plant that doesn't want to live.