First time grower

Whats good dudes, this is my first time growing and i just wanted to post a couple of pics of my plants to make sure everything looks good..I have 4 growing in a sump out hurr in NY and they are 12 days old. In my opinion everything has been goin excellent but juss wanted to mmake sure.. This is just a pic of the biggest one so far..You can't really see it in the pic but is it weird for leaves to curl up a little bit at this stage or should they be perfectly horizontal?

Word good to hear bro, they are feminized seeds from my bro's haze plants from last year so they should all turn out as females..Also, when is a good time to typically start giving your plants nutrients? i have heard that most plants do not need any til around 2-3 weeks but just want to verify
I go according to that too. 3 weeks should be a safe bet. Start off slowly with them nutes too, to get the plant used to it. My first grow i used nutes once i think, that was it, turned out to be an epic harvest in the end too, i was surprised as hell. Would be more pro to get a regular nute schedule going after the third week though