First Time Grower.

Hello. Ill give a quick rundown of myself and what/why im doing it. To start off im 22 years old with a full time job and a hobby of smoking great weed with great i was thinking why buy it when i can try to grow it. I know i wont be great at first but from learning the hard way and a little pointers from you guys around here, hopefully i get the hang of it in no time.

I have decided to go with Soil as my medium and CFL's for my lighting..right now i have 2 100 Watt equiv Cfls on 1 plant is that enough? there postioned about 2 inches over top of it..i have a fan in the room also to keep venelation up. temp is about 71 degreees.whats the best cfls to use to grow one badass plant? thanks guys for the help ill post pics in a bit


Virtually Unknown Member
Hi MM and welcome to the forums. Sounds like you're off to a pretty good start. K.I.S.S., dude. Plenty of CFL experts here as your plants grow. Also some good posts about CFL gardening you might read up on. Good luck with your grow!!


Well-Known Member
Hello. Ill give a quick rundown of myself and what/why im doing it. To start off im 22 years old with a full time job and a hobby of smoking great weed with great i was thinking why buy it when i can try to grow it. I know i wont be great at first but from learning the hard way and a little pointers from you guys around here, hopefully i get the hang of it in no time.

I have decided to go with Soil as my medium and CFL's for my lighting..right now i have 2 100 Watt equiv Cfls on 1 plant is that enough? there postioned about 2 inches over top of it..i have a fan in the room also to keep venelation up. temp is about 71 degreees.whats the best cfls to use to grow one badass plant? thanks guys for the help ill post pics in a bit
Well CFL's are good for veg but once you hit flower if you want bad ass buds, get an HPS.


Active Member
We've grown what most Pot Buyers would call "Badass pot" with CFL's thru the whole grow...

I can give you some good step-by-step growing info if you want it... just drop me a PM..... You need the lowdown on lights, ventilation, feeding & watering (watering is a big problem with many new growers!)

Yes- 1 plant can be enough- if you grow the right kind in the right space-- you could get just a few grams, or 8-10oz off one plant-- again, depends on what you grow, where & how ya grow it! ;)

There's always a lot of good folks around to help if you are open to suggestions, ready to learn and willing to ask! ;)FLoro Rhino week 5.jpgfloro grow2.jpgFloro grow 1.jpg


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming the 100w equivalent you speak of is still just a 13w cfl. You are going to need a lot more than 26w of cfl's especially come flowering time. Good luck and definitely ask questions if you have them!


Active Member
I would recommend better lighting.... you can get a complete setup for around $200-$300 in the 400W-600W range that will run MH & HPS lights... one is all you need for a personal grow for some extra dank. I liked my 400W so was only 3 months till I broke down and got a 600W so I could have different rooms for veg and flower.....

second piece of advice... read A LOT!!
Well first id like to say THANKS alot for the replies...any and all advice and critisism is appreciated. yes i agree i do need to read ALOT i tried putting this post off for a long time because a common reply when i read noobs posts are "READ MORE" blah blah so i tried to read others and save the time of making my own post. well ill go do some reading and i might just "start over" lol

thanks guys
Lighting yeah probably better to upgrade a tad the thing with mh is it saps more juice then cfl no doubt better though in my opinion some have disagreed. Rock city has some solid advice with the combo. Good ventilation can save you from certain pests / fungus bacteria and provide ur plant with extra stores of Carbon its a must... intake usualy near the bottom if using a grow box with exhaust at top helps to create an air current read up on light spectrum and plants as blue light is neesed for the veggie state and red for the flowering. If you ever have an aptitude for hydroponics it does yeild better and faster but requires more maintenance. Hope this helps good luck and happy learning.
i looked at my lights and yea there only 23 watt equiv to 100 watt so i bought them thinking they were 100 watts ..noob mistake so i got 5 on my one plant atm but it dont look like its growning leaves look really droopy :/ guess time to start over? :D better luck this time !


that should be enough light for just one plant. i would get two blue/white light ones for veg and two soft white ones for flowering. again, that should be enough, but it wont get you a "badass plant'
i think when i said badass plant you meant a yeild like 2oz lol id be happy with just a quarter on my first week sometime im going to get some FFOF and some nutes..any ideas on some nutes i should get? i moved my plant from my storage shed into my house in a tubberware container and well she has come back..i think it was the tempature in there some days reading low 60's.

so here are some pics..the first ones were taken about two days after moving inside..and so on and so forth !

4-3-13 Top.jpg4-3-05

Top 4=5=13.jpgthese last two were from late last night and today even i can notice more growth! im getting excited more and more ill take more pics in a couple of hours
I can see more growth today...totally excited! i havent had her on a schedule for water or nutes (no nutes till friday) but i havent had a water schedule that much just give a little water when she looks dry anyone can hook me up with a water ruitine that they use and works good for them ? ill post some more pics in a bit !! see ya later guys


Well-Known Member
Hey Midnight! I am with you on the first grow! I kept it simple as well and went with CFL's. I would recommend getting larger CFLS. If you get two 42w you will be set. As far as a water schedule that's almost preferential. Many people will let the soil completely dry while they are seedlings. This is thought to stimulate root growth(like they reach through the dry to get to the moisture. So I would let them get nearly dry before watering again. Water with just enough that some water trickles out of the bottom. You can stick your finger to the first knuckle and if it feels dry you can water some. In flowering right now I have to water approximately every other day. When I was in vegetative I watered almost every 3 days but I misted everyday. I'm looking forward to more pictures. Sub'd
Thanks for the advice! I am planning on upgrading my cfls and my soil to FFOF and getting some Nutes started on friday! for now my plant is looking very healthy..temps a lil high in my box was 90 when i checked but i left the lid open so air can get through it

rollitup 1.jpgphoto-1.jpg
these pics are from yesterday..ill post pics tomorrow after work

im hoping this weather stays nice on the east coast would like to try my hand at outdoor growing aswell! :D