First Time Grower


New Member
This is my first time trying to grow. I plan on doing it outside, and my seeds are germinating. The only question I have that i just cant seem to find, or maybe im just too dumb to understand is the soil. Theres so much info out there that maybe its just too hard for me to wrap my brain around it, lol. Ive seen some people just use 100% perlite then theres this other stuff with all of this weird stuff. Guano? wtf is guano? lol Im not really looking into growing mass fields as I do live in the city and will be growing it on the back deck with no real privacy except some plant camouflage. Is there a premade mix of Soil I can just pick up at the store? home depot or kmart? I heard Kelloggs Patio Plus was a really good choice. Thanks for reading and helping out ahead of time!
It all depends on what stores you have in your area! Do you have places that carry more than Miracle Gro products? I know in my area, it's a long-shot. I always have to order online via eBay...etc. Home Depot seems to have more than anyone else, so you should try them if possible. They usually have a few choices as far as potting soil is concerned, at least.

Guano is bat poop. It is high in nitrogen, and is considered an "organic" form of nutrients; it's not synthetic or "man-made." Since you're growing outdoors, I'm sure it would do you fine. But, I have no experience with it so I can't comment.

Perlite will help with drainage, but it is used for indoor containers. You won't have to worry about Perlite when growing outdoors. The 100% perlite is called "Hempy," and it's considered a form of hydroponic growing (soil less).
Dude outside just grow it in a pot in some soil theres no need for all scientific stuff it weed it grows like weeds buy some cheap fertilizer buy soil thats very airy id add perlite to the soil tho will help to air the roots give it sun and love