First Time Growing ... (Auto Ak49, Auto critical Jack ) needs assistance HELP plz


So hey y'all wats sup I need lil help this my first Time growing , doing it indoors in 3 gallon pots , I'm using Fox farm ocean forest... With 400 watt metal halide lamp , my autos are Auto ak49 and 1 critical Jack ....

I put seeds in paper towel for 1 night the roots ain't start popping out , So I decided to throw themin the soil
Just did recently .... My question is will my seeds still sprout ???
Im on top of watering them every time I see soil dry put like 2 shots of water....
When should I see them start sprouting ... Real anxious to see how it goes ... Need this to be a success..
And got my seeds from world wide marijuana seeds....a
And I have iguana juice and a little thing of over drive when should I start using them ... During what weeks and how much... Also how often ?
and how do I post pics ???
sorry for newbie questions


Well-Known Member
Post pictures by using the "Go Advanced" link, using this while posting you have the option to "Manage Attachments" that is where you will be able to post pictures onto you thread.
As far as you're problem, nothing has changed, will need more information on what you are doing, and what is happening.

And leaving useless immature comments in others threads will not get you the help and advice you are looking for.
Best of luck with your grow.