First time growing (Autoflower)

I'll be set to grow in about 3 weeks and I was wondering about some tips. Mainly on watering and nutes. I'll be using 3 gallon fabric pots with coco and the trio nute set by fox farm. Anyone have a particular watering and feeding schedule. Im putting some money in to this so i really dont want to fail lol. Any info will be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
First off, make sure you buffer your coco, if it isnt already. Charge it with some cal mag and a good stable ph. This will decrease chances of having issues.

Go easy on the nutes at the beginning, they dont need much to get started. Because your in Coco you will need to be watering with nutes everytime. Never let your coco completely dry out. At the beginning its a fine line between letting them dry out so the roots can spread out and look for water and letting them dry out too much and causing issues.

Ive always used the wet/dry cycle and the lift-a-pot method. Basically you soak the pot until you get runoff, then lift the pot to gauge its weight, once you can lift the pot and feel its starting to dry out, you soak it again.....Once the are in late veg and flower, you can expect to be watering atleast once a day, some vigorous growing strains may take multiple waterings daily in coco.

Heres the auto flower sub section, you might find some good auto info over there.

Best of luck


Well-Known Member
Growing in coco is simple.
Make sure your coco is buffered.
Use a 70/30 coco/perlite mix.
Start in solo cups for the first two weeks.
Feed daily with a pH around 6.0.....always to substantial run off.
Start with 1/4 strength nutes and increase as needed.
Never let it get dry and never use plain water.

I feed everyday from sprout and twice a day in flower.

This is the best place for coco grow

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Growing in soil is much more forgiving then growing in coco, especialy with autos. Try to find nuteless soil and mix it 50/50 with perlite. My opinion.