first time growing from seeds help!


hi guys need some advice gonna try and grow about ten seeds. big bud at what point should i be able to tell weather there male or female??? also should i use a solution on the cubes because the information i've got says quarter strength but doesn't say what is it refering to canna a and b??? thanks


Well-Known Member
I have grown Big Bud many times, the plant usually will show preflowers around 5-6 weeks into veg with Hydro, probably a bit longer in soil Once the sex shows you can keep the best females and then start flowering them out, get rid of the males.

For the first week you can just put a VERY weak nutrient solution (1/4 normal) until the plants are a few inches tall. Canna A is for vegging and canna B is for flowering if memory serves me correctly, just use 1/4 canna A for starting, then when you go to your 12/12 light schedule you will change it up to Canna B then.


I have grown Big Bud many times, the plant usually will show preflowers around 5-6 weeks into veg with Hydro, probably a bit longer in soil Once the sex shows you can keep the best females and then start flowering them out, get rid of the males.

For the first week you can just put a VERY weak nutrient solution (1/4 normal) until the plants are a few inches tall. Canna A is for vegging and canna B is for flowering if memory serves me correctly, just use 1/4 canna A for starting, then when you go to your 12/12 light schedule you will change it up to Canna B then.
thanks for the reply but i now need to pick ur brains sum more! i have already a grow on i used cuttins from a friend, but i do not know the strain! so wanted to start the nxt lot from a seed so i defo know the strain. but the grow i have already started i have been using a and b since word go , because the table says a and b is this wrong??? my plants seem ok im on my forth week and there about 10inch high and about 7 inch wide! so should i just be using a until i switch to 12/12?? and when do u recommend i do that??