First time growing help


Active Member
I'll be growing some marijuana for my first time this year. I plan on growing them outdoors, I realize it will take longer, but growing inside with lights isn't an option. I have a few questions. How often should I water them? I'm going to grow them in pots or buckets or some type of containers, so I can transport them easily if I have too, my question is, how big does the container have to be to allow the plant to grow to it's potential? I could use some 5 gallon buckets if I had to, but I'd rather use something smaller, what would you recomend? Also, when I take out the males, will they're be anything smokable on them? I've read a little about using the leaves to make hash oil, can anyone give me more information on it? Any other tips or suggestions for a first time grower, and anything at all that can help me increase the harvest. Thanks for any replys :)


Well-Known Member
only water if the soil is dryed up pretty much or you going to over-water them which is the number one killer with noobs;) 1/2 gallon pot can stay wet for up to 2 weeks;)
start always with small pot/bucket, not bigger then the volume of a pop can! always make sure that proper drainage is given/enough holes and draining soil.
the easiest formal for the right pot sizes is gallon soil per foot plant, so a 3gallons pot is well sized for every indoor grow and if you go outdoors you won't need a pot anyway;)


Well-Known Member
Go to the upper left hand corner of this page and click on GrowFAQ. There is an entire section on growing outdoors and lots of other things. We have 33 catagories.