First time growing, leaves drooping and have marks after moving plants

This is my first time growing, I know I have alot to learn, just trying to figure out what the issue is with my plants currently. I have listed everything below that I think could help, please let me know if you need any other information, thanks in advance for the help.

- Seeds were planted 15 days ago
- Seeds Germinated in a seedling tray 1.5x1.5" per cube
- Seeds Germinated in Coco Coir
- Maintained 73-76 Degrees with 35-55% Humidity
- Were misted with water 2 times a day 12h/
- They got their first leaves within 7 days
- day 7
- I used "General Hydroponics Rapid Start Rooting Enhancer 1-0.5-1" mixed with water and misted the plants with the once a day and the other water
- I read that you should give them a little light at this stage so I gave them light at 24" 4H on 20H off
- Have a fan on as well as a ventilation fan with charcoal filter for exhaust
- Day 9
- I swapped over to 18H On 6H Off
- Was told when the first "cannabis looking leaf" comes up to increase light cycle
- Day 13
- Leaves started getting slightly yellow and droop
- I checked the cube and it looked like the roots were going strong, out of the bottom and wrapping around. I figured that it was time to move them over.
- I gently poured water over the roots to get the coco coir off of it, then moved it over to the aeroponics setup that I have
- Light was 18" off the plant 18H/6H (Mars Hydro 600Watt Light)
- I used Bergmans seedling fertilizer 11/40/13 and sprayed the roots 15 S/5M (Later changed to 15S/15M, then 20S/30, 25S/45M because the roots were staying wet and didn't have a chance to get close to drying)
- Day 14
- Plants start drooping more and turning more yellowish ( I also noticed that my stems seemed pretty long ( I read I shouldnt have light under 18" so it wont burn, but I also dont want it to far away so the stems dont stretch)
- Plants have little marks on the leaves
- I checked the PH of the water and it was 6.61
- I checked the PPM of the water and it was 498
- I checked the light and was 18" away
- Roots were never dry
-Day 15 (Today 6/15/20)
- The leaves look worse
- Seemed to have stopped growing or very little change in size since day 13

- Did I move them too soon?
- Did I give them nutrients too soon or too much (water cycle too long)?
- Did I give them light too soon?
- Did I have the light too low?
- Did I have the PH and PPM wrong?
- Did I water too much?
- Nitrogen Deficiency?

Picture 1 - Day 9
Picture 2 - Day 13
Picture 3 - Day 13
Picture 4 - Day 13
Picture 5- Day 13
Picture 6 - Day 14
Picture 7 - Day 15
Picture 8 - Day 15



Active Member
Less is more at that stage. And you did more to that poor plant that i ver did to my 60 day old plant. PH is too high. Yellowing looks like nitrogen deficiency since you started in coco.
good luck.Next time try to start in bigger container, let your plant grow a bit. And dont worry so much at that stage.Just be miser with watering


Well-Known Member
Seeds can be sprouted under 24 hours of light. I never mist my plants. I dont know anything about aeroponics.


Well-Known Member
"because the roots were staying wet and didn't have a chance to get close to drying"

You don't want the roots to dry out with aeroponics.
Thank you all for the replies, I think like grou mentioned that I was over thinking everything and doing too much. I will also start out with a bigger container as well and leave for longer before I transplant. Anything else anyone could add would be greatly appreciated.

JoeBlow5823, so I was "misting" the plan instead of normal watering on it while they were small to make sure they didnt dry out. I guess I dont have to worry about too much light being the issue at that stage.

Xtsho - Thats what I thought as well, what I was reading was saying that you dont want to saturate the roots by overwatering so try out different cycles to see when they actually get close to dry so that I can adjust my cycle accordingly. What media do you recommend to start in when you would be using aeroponics