first time growing need some help??


Active Member
Well i happen to be a first time grower. now i live in a small house. and i put my plants which just barely sprouted. in to my closet. and it has white walls and i took the red light from our snake tank and put it in my closet with my plants. i also have a humidifier in there. but its really small. so i dont know if it will work. now i need to know how long to keep the humidifer on and the light scince its so small,also if anyone has some tips for me that would be fabulous. cause honestly i have no idea what iam doing. like do i use fertilizer,any speacial thing that will make my plant healthy and to grow some buds. thanks its much apprecitated.


Well-Known Member
The red bulb won't work. Go to Home Depot and get some of the highest wattage CFLs you can find. Also, get some Miracle Grow All Purpose plant food.


Active Member
yup cfl's are the best i say go and get them as soon as possible ur growth with double truuuuuuuuuust me lol


Well-Known Member
Get the highest wattage CFLs you can find and make sure you get a few of them per plant. Try not to transplant more than once but the final container should be 3 or 5 gallons (with drainage holes). Make sure the CFLs are almost touching (ALMOST!) because they are much cooler than HIDs and the plants need the extra light. Keep a fan on them 24/7 because this will strengthen the stem so they won't lean or bend/break. Only water when the soil is dry up to 2 inches under the soil (overwatering is the biggest compication!). Keep the lights on 24/0 or 18/6 while vegging and if you keep it on 18/6 make sure you turn them off and on at the same time to reduce stress (might want to get an automatic timer). Finally, do some more research on the terms and general info and don't over analyze, pretty much give them what they need and let them do their thing.