First time growing want to get it right

I went out and bought a hps light set up it is a 600. I put it in my grow tent and with in two hours all my fan leaves started to shrivel up and die just the big one. I open my tent to vent out some of the heat. The rest of the plant is good( I mean it still looks healthy) just fan leaves are dieing is this normal? Oh yeah I am using tecnaforal nutirents bc boost, bc bloom, thrive alive red, sugar daddy,magical,and awesome blossom. In the recommended amount according to the chart. The plant is a Pure Power Plant I got the fem seeds from a seed bank. I was using floro's at first for the flowering stage and people on here told me to get a hps.. So plz help I don't want my plant to die plus I have three little ones in veg right now one Royal Hash, and two more PPP so I want to make sure I am doing this right.


Well-Known Member
Ok so what size fan are you using to vent the tent/cool the light?

Whats that? No fan? Well theres your problem.

Your tent is overheating and the plant is wilting as a result, opening the tent is going to do little. You need a nice online fan to suck air through the tent. If you have a light that allows it, pass air through it and out the tent.

Get a temp meter that will record high and low. Tell us the temps
I have fans on them I had Only one before now I am using a box fan and a exaust fan as well as levying tent open during it's light cycle I do a tremamitor with hi low temps on it
Okay now that I fixed the heat do any one think my plant is going to die or if not does losing it's fan leaves going to hinder plant at this piont