First time Hydroponic grow.


I have a hydroponic stealth grow and I will be keeping everyone up to date on how it goes and problems I run into. I should have started this earlier but I'm about a week and a half into the grow so far.

My setup includes:

6 CFL lights & light socket converters
power strip
box (made of cardboard)
plastic container
air stone
air pump
jungle juice nutrients
grow medium
seedling light (i'm not sure what the actual name for it is)
fans (2 intake and 1 exhaust)
oder remover


I began this grow on Nov 22.
Started off slow but its growing pretty fast now.

**the vertical light bar is for seedlings. I'm no professional but I heard its good for young plants, so I just rotate the plant a every day. I'm going to take the vertical bar-light out in a week or so.

I know there's light escaping the sides but I have it timed for the lights to turn on at night so theres less chance of someone seeing. I also put a doorknob with a lock on the closet, so I'm pretty good. :mrgreen:



its not about to fall-- it grew towards the bar light, but i had just rotated it to lean the opposite direction right before the picture. also there is 2 fans in the bottom left corner of the box and one exhaust in the top left.


I would also consider spray painting that tub black, you don't want light getting to the roots.