FiRsT TiMe I NeEd HeLp !!!!!!!


Active Member
This is the first time i have ever tried to grow. I have always wondered if i could actually do it. Anayway i started germination on May 21 and it sprout on june 1st, the seed is just typical bagseed probably mexican. i germinated it in a 5 gallon bucket filled with foxfarms oceanic soil outside under the bright sun. I will be posting pix in just a bit still working on that.
now for the questions i have

1. look at my pix and tell me if its male or female because i have no clue, i hve read probably thousands of post and looked at pix but i still cant tell

2. i havent used any type of nutes or ferts the whole time accept for what came mixed in the soil. and few times that i have taken a bucket and caught bird droppings from under a nest and mixed that in the soil " i know probably not smart" also i water regularly and once every two weeks i water with a crushed up birth controll pill "lol now im not sure why i have done this but i read somewhere to try it so i figured what the hell" but the question is will this effect my plant will i still have buds if it is indeed a female and info comment insults are welcome here i have tons more questions to ask but i will wait for a response to the first 2 thanx

if the pix work they are growth from june 4th to june 30th and one pic for figuring out the sex


beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Ya did pretty good..first off.

I can't tell the sex yet either. We've past the solstice at some point this month I think you will start to see some action/will be able to tell.

I'd nixx the BC pills and give em to the wife... nyuk..nyuk...

ignore anyone who would give ya shit...

good luck

bt dt