First time indoor grow (Qrazy Train Clone)


Well-Known Member
This is my first indoor grow that I've ever done and I just want to share what I have and hopefully get some insight from others as this process unfolds. I have one Qrazy Train clone that I am growing in my closet under an Ultra Sun 400 watt HPS in an exhausted hood, powered by a Lumatek ballast model:LK400 set on the 400 watt super lumen setting for a 10% increase in output at 18/6. The plant is about 8 weeks or so into veg and I plan to continue to veg it for an additional 2 weeks. It's in a 20 gallon pot (Yes a 20 gallon:mrgreen:) which I drilled holes into the side of for more air to flow in hopes that they'll produce some sort of air pruning. She is planted in a 50/50 mix of Fox Farm Ocean Forest and ProMix Mycorrhizae. I have been feeding her 3 gallons of water at a time every 3 to 4 days with Fox Farm Grow Big (3tsp per gallon) and Big Bloom (3tbsp per gallon) and will continue to use the Grow Big during the first two weeks of flowering as well as using Tiger Bloom. I have been told that she's a very heavy feeder so I have been feeding every watering so far, but I plan on trying to just feed her every other time so that I don't encounter a lock out. I am going to do a ScrOg with this grow and have been LST'ing her along with topping and fimming. The screen will be going in next weekend which will be 32"x40" and will be triggered the following weekend. As she stretches I will be checking daily to see if there's any adjustments I need to make with the tops (which I know she will) so that I can get a complete and even canopy. I plan to lollipop her shortly after triggering and keeping a few of the cuts to continue to use as clones. I think I covered all the bases here so far, I would love to hear some feedback about my plan. The pictures that I posted are from today. :peace:
