First time indoor grower. Would love some opinions!


First time home indoor grower. Please let me know how I'm doing. It's 2 plants, 3 weeks into flowering. Marshydro tws2000watt and phlizon 900watt. In fox farm soil using fox farm liquid nutrients.


H G Griffin

Well-Known Member
Plants are looking healthy and happy. Nice job!

You can pull that screen out though, as nice as the craftsmanship is. The point of those is to spread out your plant during veg and early flower to create a flat canopy. You bend and weave the stems below the screen to fill the space. A starting point is to flip to flower when the screen is 2/3 to 3/4 full, but it will depend on the strain.
It won't hurt anything to leave it in, but it's something to work around that serves no purpose. Next time it will make a big difference in your yield if you utilize it properly, though. Best of luck to you.


Plants are looking healthy and happy. Nice job!

You can pull that screen out though, as nice as the craftsmanship is. The point of those is to spread out your plant during veg and early flower to create a flat canopy. You bend and weave the stems below the screen to fill the space. A starting point is to flip to flower when the screen is 2/3 to 3/4 full, but it will depend on the strain.
It won't hurt anything to leave it in, but it's something to work around that serves no purpose. Next time it will make a big difference in your yield if you utilize it properly, though. Best of luck to you.
Totally! I got the screen up a bit later in the grow. probably going to just work around.... mainly for bud stability at this point. I have it on adjustable rachets..


Well-Known Member
Everything looks good, if you're not currently adding molasses every other watering, now would be a good time to start.

Have you defoliated at all? If you see some fan leafs blocking the light to some prime bud sites, consider removing a few to let the light do deeper and fatten up the lower buds.


Well-Known Member
Good looking plant, only recomndation from me would be to lollipop that girl at the end of veg, and alittle more defoliation about 30 days into flower.
You have a ton of growth way at the bottom that just won't get enough light to fill in and be much of anything, but its still drawing nutrients and energy away from the main buds.
If it isn't getting adequate light from being too low, I chop it off.
Too late now, but you should have plenty of larf fromt he bottom you can make extracts or edibles with. Good luck


Well-Known Member
So I'm 25 days into flower. Is it to late to take off some of the lowest branches?
Yes I wouldn't reccomend cutting branches at this point, it could be too much stress for your plant.
I cut all my small branches and lollipop the bottom third of the plant or so a week or two before I flip to 1212. That gives it some time to recover, then about 40 days into flower I do one more defoliation, just cutting off big fan leafs blocking any light to bud sites.