First Time Outdoor Grow in MI specifics

I'm considering growing outdoors this summer in MI and have done some research and am liking what I am hearing. I have a few questions/concerns though. I apologize if this is the wrong section for a "newbie" outdoor grow post but I can't find any of these specific answers to my questions. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

1. How long does it take to take a seed and turn i into a seedling?
2. Should I consider an under ground irrigation system? I'm planning around 30-50 plants
3. How much water does each plant need, and how often? It will be in direct sunlight all day.
4. How long does it take for the plant to produce good bud?
5. How much can each plant produce in this first cycle?
6. Should I be concerned about the plants PH or be giving specific nutrients, if so what?
7. Any general growing, manicuring tips?

Once again thanks again!
I love Michigan! but here's the answers to your questions.

1. Its all relative to the quality of your seed, your genetics, but usually up to 30 days.
2. Yes. 30 or 50, thats a BIG difference.
3. That is all relative to the genetics of the plant and your soil make-up.
4. Thats all relative to your genetics. between 55 and 100 days. outdoors, sometimes longer cause you can't force flower.
5. Thats all relative to your genetics and your skill as a grower. anywhere from nothing to 10 lbs a plant. lol!!
6. LOL.. Yes. depends on your soil. whatever is best for your relative situation... you gave us no info on the soil make up.
7. Read this board, there are tons of growing and manicuring tips.

You sound pretty novice. you might want to spend some time at this site learning, and read other books, cause 50 plants outdoors is no small feat. good luck.
Thanks Huck, the thing is I can't say anything specifically for what plant or soil I'm using because I'm still looking for the best for outdoor growth. Any recommendations?