First Time Outside Grow

Trying a outside grow of medicinal. Collected seeds from purchased bags and nearly everything sprouted! Put one outside where I could get to it and water it occasionally and planted some others ( no plants next to eachother because I knew I wouldn't be able to get there often enough to sex the plants, etc.) in a 5 acre field that's been fallow for 10 years. Mother nature is taking care of those until I go to see what I can collect. Figured that when the one nearby is ready the others shouldn't be far behind. Hoping just to get enough for the year. Planning of cooking everything possible down that not smokeable (leaves and such) to make cannabuter. Have a few questions:
Can you wait too long to harvest?
How long should the drying process be, say in a garage with fans blowing?
Is anything on the male plant usable - other than the seeds?

Peace and thanks in advance