first time poster... needs expert advice


Active Member
ok well first off id like to thank all the people who read and reply to this well i have tried growing before and they come out a lil less than expected and back than i was just rollin with it like trial and error but this time i am ready... i look back at my other grows lighting room ventilation and everything basically coulda used some improvement so ia m planning a new grow this is what i have so far and i got a few questions....

two plant grow
got a whole room to work with

1. is 4 4' shop lights enought for the veggin period i am only plannin on veggin for 3 to 4 weeks... i am planning on putting two over the veggers.. and one on each opposite side so they get light from all round

2. already have a regular house fan i am goin gto leave on low turnin arond the room for heatting ..

3.. what kinda veg soil can i get from like a lows walmart of k mart for how longs it good for? and feeding? whats good and when.. i tried reading all the FAQ but they dont answer me exactly to my understandin

thanks again and if anyones interested in tutorin me while i do my grow please contact me

PS. and i forgot to mention that for my buddin i got a 400 watt HPS already i am just trying to get everything right from begginin to end this time yamean.. thanks for reading and replyin


Active Member
start with more than two plants and make sure flos are right on plants to discourage stretching, top after 5-8 nodes and use peat moss, vermeculit, perilite mixture for soil. no mirical grow!


Active Member
would i be able to find peat moss vermemculit and perilite all at like a lowes or home depot and what % of each shold i use in my end rusults?


Well-Known Member
I've heard lots about perilite mixture, is it a type of soil or do u mix it into the soil and if so, how do u do so. im using miracle grow right now i kno it'll burn ur shit put i dont know what else to do and how to do it. all this technical talk confuses me :s


Active Member
peat moss at home depot, perilite and vermeculite at southern states, i usually do 4 part peat, 1 part per, 1 part vermec. its basically a soiless mixture holds water extremley well.


Active Member
ok thanks... and with this mixture do i need any fertz? and if so round when should i use em after how many weeks and what kind are good..??? also after 5th 8th week ill top and than how long before i should start flowering? i wanna transplant them into a bigger pot too or should i start and end in the same pot ?
any help will help thanks again
ok thanks... and with this mixture do i need any fertz? and if so round when should i use em after how many weeks and what kind are good..??? also after 5th 8th week ill top and than how long before i should start flowering? i wanna transplant them into a bigger pot too or should i start and end in the same pot ?
any help will help thanks again
Read Canabis Grow Bible 4th. :) wish you luck.

Do not grow,sell or use mariuhana or other drugs!