First Time Serious Grow-White Rhino/Jock Horro


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone! I've decided to keep a grow journal with this being my first serious grow I am sure to have several questions and would appreciate any comments, advice or suggestions. I will be updating most every day, time permiting of course. So let me start off by filling you in with my set up. For lighting i am using 4-4' 54w T-5 HO 6500K, and one 4' T-12 5600K totaling about 22250 Lumens at 252 watts Running 18/6 sched. i figure this should be good to start with and I will move up to 600HPS when neccasary. As for the soil starting off with 50/50 jiffy mix seedling soil, no nutes, and perilite. temps stay between 75-82 degrees. I started germinating 7 seeds i had gotten from a seed bank, using the moist paper towel method in a sealed glass jar. 100% germ rate yes! then i planted the seeds in the soil. within the last 4 days all the seedlings have sprouted. i also have 2 other plants. the older was giving to me about 2 1/2 weeks ago and i was sure was gonna die it looked so sad when i got it but a little tlc and BAM! LOL its doign good check my other post for catch up info.
the other plant is 14 days old and also seems to be doing awesome. here is a couple of pics with my little ones and set up. What do you think?
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Active Member
I like to see someone finally putting those oversized phonebooks to a good use. Nice setup, I will be keeping an eye on this one! I am planning to grow white widow and jack herer here in about 2-3 weeks. I only have one grow under my belt so far with one plant so this upcoming project will also be my first "serious grow". Since we have such similar strains and experience, or lack of it:mrgreen: we should follow each others progress and work together/ compare results of our cousin strains. Where did you get your genetics?:confused:


Well-Known Member
Welcome serpentsrising! It will be defiently interesting having someone else along to bounce ideas and results off of. As for the seeds i got them through a reliable seed bank about a week and a half ago. Yeah and i was trying to find a way to even out the plant heights and i thought what better then crap thats just sitting there never being used anyway. well once again welocme to the thread!


Active Member
For sure! I actually have around a dozen of those books lying around outside my place. Perhaps a stealth operation is in store:twisted: Its not like anyone is going to be using them anyway...they are just sitting around right?

What type of setup do you plan on using to flower your younglings? I am thinking about doing the SCROG tech since I used to grow bonsai plants when I was younger and the training process is pretty similar. Plus that way I can have an excuse to tend my plants more often! My last grow I did a Strawberry Afghani strain under T5 fluoros. The buds turned out quite fluffy though. I only got a little over a half oz. I havested pretty early since I wanted a little clearer of a high. The plant was 90% Indica though so it still turned out really stoney but also quite potent. I really can't wait to grow out my sativas and get a steady personal stash going! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of going with SOG but its dependent on how many ladies i end up with. And i have heard quite a few people say they get fluffy buds when using fluoro's to follow thats why i want to move up to an HPS By then. Here's a few more pics i just shot a few minutes ago. they be coming along nicely. i watered the larger one and gave it 1/4 strength nutes and super thrive for the first time yesterday and it seems to be doing just fine. also watered seedlings 1/4 dose superthrive. the close up is of the seedling I rooting for the most because its the runt so far and isnt in any big hurry to take off. I HAVE FAITH IN THIS LITTLE ONE! LOL My Holy Grail! :peace: :joint:.

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Well-Known Member
So just looking for a bit of advice. i was wondering if its about time to transplant the larger into a bigger pot. its 6 1/2 inches tall and filling in quickly.the leaves feel paperish and the soil drys out very quickly this is the main reason i think it should be transplanted. Any thoughts/input would be appreciated. and if yes what type of soil should i go with?

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heres also a few pics of the little ones as well.
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Active Member
I was thinking of going with SOG but its dependent on how many ladies i end up with. And i have heard quite a few people say they get fluffy buds when using fluoro's to follow thats why i want to move up to an HPS By then. Here's a few more pics i just shot a few minutes ago. they be coming along nicely. i watered the larger one and gave it 1/4 strength nutes and super thrive for the first time yesterday and it seems to be doing just fine. also watered seedlings 1/4 dose superthrive. the close up is of the seedling I rooting for the most because its the runt so far and isnt in any big hurry to take off. I HAVE FAITH IN THIS LITTLE ONE! LOL My Holy Grail!

^^^ I also have a little sprout in my grow! Keep rooting for them and they will come around. I just found out what seeds came along with my main order of Jack Herer. They sent me a cross of Jack Herer x Sour Diesel. Sour Jack anyone??

So just looking for a bit of advice. i was wondering if its about time to transplant the larger into a bigger pot. its 6 1/2 inches tall and filling in quickly.the leaves feel paperish and the soil drys out very quickly this is the main reason i think it should be transplanted. Any thoughts/input would be appreciated. and if yes what type of soil should i go with?

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heres also a few pics of the little ones as well.
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The girls are looking quite healthy! Up to this grow, I only have experience in hydro so my transplanting tech is not really that great. I would say check the root mass and see if it has reached the limits of the pot. Either way I don't think it can do any harm to transplant as long as the herb is in a healthy state. My current soil is called "moonshine mix" and is made with

1 bag - Foxfarm Ocean Forrest potting soil
1 bag - Foxfarm Planting Mix
1 bag - Foxfarm Light Warrior

This mix is very highly praised, especially for organic growers. Its pH is neutral and contains enough nutrients that no additional fertilizers need to be used for at least the first 3 weeks! And its all Fox Farm so you know it is good. That what my seedling are growing in as we speak:mrgreen:

More pics to come!



Active Member
I decided to set up my HPS for a test run. I don't have any of the cooling elements hooked up yet so I could not keep it below 90 most of the time. I left them in their for only a couple days and then put them back under the LED. I have a good feeling concerning things to come though, especially once the cooling system gets set up!:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
well i will be transplanting some/ most of these babies into larger pots hopefully tonight if not it will be tomorrow. i checked the bottom of the cups for signs of roots and you can see them starting to come through the bottom. the largest one has a ton of roots and really needs to move. even some of the seedlings at just over a week have roots in the bottom of the cup. i am very proud of my smallest seedling which still hasnt grown much above the surface but has already shot a thick taproot straight to the bottom and peeking out the center hole of its cup. i cant wait till that one takes off its caught what seems to be a very strong root stucture going. i will post more pics right after transplant. serpent nice setup up you got going there and i would be so down for Sour Jack! :joint:
How many whats is your HPS?
Also cheetah2007 WELCOME TO THE THREAD.


Well-Known Member
ok here we go. i've attached pics of the problems. i have 2 situations right now first and most serious is my oldest plant the older leaves have started to lose color drasctically turning sort of yellowish with spots along the outer edges of the leaves and its spreading.the leaves also have a bit of a twist to them. the new growth is not affected yet. is this just a ph issue or something more serious. i am transplanted in about 12 hours hopefully this will help. second my 2 1/2 week old seedling about and hour and a half before lights out every night starts to droop pretty bad to the point where the upper leaves are resting on the lower ones. is this normal?:confused: in the morning they are always perked up. also what is a good way to lower ph of tap water apparently out of the tap im getting close to 8.0.

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Active Member
ok here we go. i've attached pics of the problems. i have 2 situations right now first and most serious is my oldest plant the older leaves have started to lose color drasctically turning sort of yellowish with spots along the outer edges of the leaves and its spreading.the leaves also have a bit of a twist to them. the new growth is not affected yet. is this just a ph issue or something more serious. i am transplanted in about 12 hours hopefully this will help. second my 2 1/2 week old seedling about and hour and a half before lights out every night starts to droop pretty bad to the point where the upper leaves are resting on the lower ones. is this normal?:confused: in the morning they are always perked up. also what is a good way to lower ph of tap water apparently out of the tap im getting close to 8.0.

Before trying anything else, get your pH under control! 8.0 is way to high and can quickly lead to nutrient lockup. MJ likes pH levels to be slightly acidic, somewhere around 6.3 is ideal. To lower the pH of your water you can either buy pH down at your local hydro shop if you have one, or you can simply use apple cider vinegar which has a pH around 2.4. I bought the pH up/down when i first started, but plan on using natural alternatives this time around. Give this a try and we will go from there. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
OK here's what we got going now. i transplanted the largest one and a couple of the seedlings into larger containers yesterday night. i used FOX Farms Ocean Forest organic potting soil. i also picked up Fox Farm Grow Big and Big Bloom nutrients. when i transplanted the oldest you can tell it was very root bound the bottom of the cup was nothing but roots so hopefully it will take to the new soil. i did notice that this morning the leaves on the top started to perk back up so i'll keep my Fingers crossed. i also gave the oldest one 1/4 strength nutes. i might start adding potassium next if this doesnt do the trick. well im going to trans. the rest of the plants today so i'll keep you posted.:peace: :blsmoke:

The first 3 pics are last night right after the switch.
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The Rest are from this morning.
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Well-Known Member
well its been a few days since i transplanted and my oldest plant has started turning around. i trimmed off the lower dieing leaves that were covering the new growth. its about 11 inches tall right now. i have actually been watering with ph balanced water from my fish tank and its seems to be loving it alot. (kinda experimenting) the others i have been watering with superthrive and fox farms grow big. the seedlings are taking off now especially the one with the cfl right over it. here's a few more pics from today what does everyone think?

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Active Member
OK here's what we got going now. i transplanted the largest one and a couple of the seedlings into larger containers yesterday night. i used FOX Farms Ocean Forest organic potting soil. i also picked up Fox Farm Grow Big and Big Bloom nutrients. when i transplanted the oldest you can tell it was very root bound the bottom of the cup was nothing but roots so hopefully it will take to the new soil. i did notice that this morning the leaves on the top started to perk back up so i'll keep my Fingers crossed. i also gave the oldest one 1/4 strength nutes. i might start adding potassium next if this doesnt do the trick. well im going to trans. the rest of the plants today so i'll keep you posted.:peace: :blsmoke:

Nice to see they are all coming along! A quick tip though:mrgreen: You should really hold off on any of the liquid nutes since the Ocean Forest soil already comes really loaded with exactly what the plant needs. Some people will not give them anything but water for the entire veg state and others will go all the way to flowering if they transplant into fresh soil often enough. I would wait at least three weeks before giving them anything but pure, pH balanced water. One more thing, PLEASE do not use the water from the fish tank. All sorts of really nasty shit can be lurking in the water and you won't even know it until your plant starts to suffer. Other than that, lookin good. Can't wait to see the harvest and read the smoke report!:peace: