First time using hygrometer and humidity packs and could use some advice please


Just got everything trimmed up and put in jars and for the first time I'm using hygrometers.

So apparently I must have waited a little to long to get them in the jars because once I did the hygrometers were reading in the low to mid 50s rh. A couple were even in the high 40s rh.

They didn't seem overly dry when I was trimming. Somewhere though I must have screwed something up.

So I kind of panicked and threw some boveda packs in to bring up the rh. After further research I found out to not use the boveda packs right away and after I day of having them in the jars I pulled them out in hopes to not mess anything up anymore than I already did.

So now most my jars are in the mid to upper 50s rh without the boveda packs.

I'm wondering how I should move forward from here. Is mid 50s rh ok or should I be trying to raise it to 62% like with using the boveda packs?

This is day 2 of curing in mason jars.


Wait and see if th RH comes up some more, basically curing stops at around 55%. After the rh stabilizes, then if it's still low, add the Bovedas.
Okay I will do that. Thank you, I appreciate it! How long would you recommend i go with them being in the mid 50s before I add the boveda packs?