first time vacuum purging questions


Active Member
So I may have taken a trip to the dark side to never return. Whats so bad about being a bhotard anyways? Well I don't want to be one of Matt Rize rants about another person blowing themselves up. So I decided to go for the Tamisium. Plus I like the fact I can use pure butane.

Anyways I'm on the quest to get the set up set up. I have the t175, 99.5 butane, 15600 robinair vacuum pump and some trim waiting to be soaked.

While on the search for a vacuum desiccator/chamber (what else do you call them?) I read on a amazon product description not to use with organic solvents. So I googled if butane was organic and it is. (why do people freak out about bho if its organic?) Does the company say that so they are not responsible for someone blowing themselves up trying to create something to purge in their chambers?

Is there a butane safe vacuum chamber out there? All your guys' shatter porn is making me anxious to blast. :lol:
just use the normal vac chambers off amazon. don't vac until your oil is viscous. should be good. way to get the sealed unit and nbutane. PRO STATUS
just use the normal vac chambers off amazon. don't vac until your oil is viscous. should be good. way to get the sealed unit and nbutane. PRO STATUS

Well I was looking at amazon and found this product description :
Silicone O-ring requires no grease. Convenient side arms on cover and base. PTFE stopcock accpets 1/4" through 3/8" ID tubing. PTFE caps (two included) seal side arms when desiccator is used without vacuum. For room temperature use only; do not autoclave. Desiccator accepts desiccator plate 06521-00 (order separately). Do not autoclave. Do not expose polycarbonate to organic solvents or their vapors.

The last sentence is what I'm worried about.
it all sounds scary whatever you are talking plates, vacuums, explosions? No thanks...
it all sounds scary whatever you are talking plates, vacuums, explosions? No thanks...
he sounds way ahead of the rest when it comes to this.

i like your choice to go with the high end vac chamber, but you can't watch the purge with that one, something to think about, you will need dialed in vac parameters to blind purge.
he sounds way ahead of the rest when it comes to this.

i like your choice to go with the high end vac chamber, but you can't watch the purge with that one, something to think about, you will need dialed in vac parameters to blind purge.
Thanks for the positive vibes Matt Rize. Hah i'd figure you'd be one to hate being the ice wax king and all. I am hoping since the lid is acrylic I will be able to watch mushrooming and activity of oil from the top. This is something I would like feedback from those experienced attempting to purge from only a window lid. I originally was looking at the clear scientific dome but after reading the warning about using solvents with I decided to look further. It kind of reminded me of the last time I used plastic bongs and tried to clean it by soaking it in iso.

couldnt you just hook the vacuum to collection part of the tami, i would think it could handle the pressure
I thought of this. Then I thought of the challenge of scraping the shatter out of the bottom of the Tami. I know some people do scrape it out the bottom. However, I'd like to be able to pour into pyrex then put in vacuum chamber.