First Time


Active Member
Hello everybody
never done shrooms or acid but I would like to try them some time soon. I have heard lots of different things about acid and shrooms. Mainly I have heard that acid is better because shrooms fuck with you more like are in and out.
Some basic info about both if you can.
One question though can you overdose on acid or shroom? if so what would be a dosage that is a high risk?
I know it depends on if you take acid alot or anything.
I don't plan on exceeding the amount just would like to know for future reference or just to know.
Thanks alot

one more thing are I have heard since shrooms
are natural they are not harmful to the body.
is this true also what about acid does it fuck you
up like damage your brain or body?
Thanks again
one more thing are I have heard since shrooms
are natural they are not harmful to the body.

Socrates might have a thing or two to say about that.

The idea that "natural" is always healthy and "synthetic" is always bad is new age crap.

I could name a dozen highly toxic plants and many more perfectly safe synthetic compounds.

Sorry I can't help with your other q's, this is just one of my pet peeves so I felt the need to jump in.
Shrooms are less toxic than Aspirin, but then again LSD is considered nontoxic, so they are both pretty safe.
really lsd is pretty safe?
I always thought it was pretty harmful to
you but only if you continued to you it alot.
I also thought there were alot of chemicals
to make it.
really lsd is pretty safe?
I always thought it was pretty harmful to
you but only if you continued to you it alot.
I also thought there were alot of chemicals
to make it.

LSD is one of the safest drugs out there bro. The media likes to spread ideas to make people think substances are far more dangerous than the yactually are (hence why marijuana is illegal!). There are a lot of chemicals used in the synthesis of LSD, but there are a lot of chemicals used when making any modern medicine, even shit like multivitamins, ya kno?

I personally find lsd more intense than shrooms, but people will argue. Both are enjoying.
really lsd is pretty safe?
I always thought it was pretty harmful to
you but only if you continued to you it alot.

You asked specifically about overdose which implies toxicity. There are other types of harm that have nothing to do with toxicity. For example preexisting psychological problems can be exacerbated by numerous drugs.

I also thought there were alot of chemicals
to make it.

*Points up*

Synthetic doesn't mean bad!

Everything you touch is made up of "chemicals".

The steak you ate for dinner the other day is made up of chemical structures far more complex and varied than LSD.
i dont think it is possible to die from lucy or boomers..but doing them on a regular basis probably wouldnt be a good idea, when you are tripping, i believe the parts of the other side of your brain become active, the pyschadelic world is truly amazing and it will teach you many things about this world and yourself.. your outlook on life can be changed and you may find peace with yourself or something that has been bothering you, it depends on what you will dwell on when tripping. psychadelics will break you down any wall you have and rebuild YOU. you will question yourself, things around you, people you know, even life itself.. but while doing this, you need to realize that its more of a tool than a drug... well in my eyes. ive learned alot about myself and the world around me. its like you build a special connection with the spiritual world..

pyschadelics arent anything you want to fuck with if you are weak minded or want to do it to be cool.. it can really fuck with you hard and you need to prepare yourself and have the right mindset while going into a trip, other than that, you will probably just laugh your ass off at the stupidest shit and just have a good time..well, this is just my opinion..

first time i ever tripped was on some shrooms, the strain was "penis envy" and i was having hot/cold sweats and watching the new Willie Wonka and The Chocolate Factory on a couch wrapped up in a blanket, and then i started to freak out and hid under the blanket and peaked out of here and there.. other than that i was on a total mind fuck ride for 8 or so hours.. and when it was over, it was mind blowing how something did that much to me.

tripping is a great time if you just remember it will all be over soon and that everything will be ok, and try and drink only water... i wouldnt advise drinking much alcahol if you do, id say half of your normal would probably be ok if you want to drink.. it also may be a good idea, since its your first time, not to eat a couple hours before, you may get whats called Body Load, or nausea i guess.. oh and if you are like me, dont worry if you cant piss or shit while tripping.. lol, its normal... i find that when im finally coming down from any trip, i can fart and piss again lol..

do you know how much you are going to take? id probably start with an 8th, and see how that does you, and next time if you feel froggy, try a quarter.. oh and please do this around people you trust and that WILL NOT FUCK WITH YOU while you are dosed up, especially your first time. and if you do any other trips, try and know what you are taking and what is in it..

oh, and just for some enjoyment, go to a walmart or whatever, and pick up some glow sticks, lol.. have a happy trip!
I wouldn't go out and take 5 tabs of LSD or a couple 8ths of shrooms my first time. They will have long term effects if you do so, if you take ALOT. I mean, first time i did LSD i took two drops on a sugar cube which was the equivalent of 4 tabs. I tripped balls but had a good time.

Like others said, prepare yourself, dont freak yourself out. Make sure there is someone sober to hang around with, they will comfort you if you start having a bad time.

I say take an 8th of shrooms or 2 hits of LSD. You WILL have a good time, just "prepare" yourself for a good time and it will happen.

Be safe, and HAVE FUN!
I have done countless acid and shroom trips. Shrooms are more mellow, good for a beginner. The only harm with doing strong acid is a bad trip. If this happens, it can screw with your mental health and emotions for a couple of days to months. Make sure your in a safe environement, good people around you and that your in a good state of mind. Also, smoking weed will really take you into a deeper trip, so be careful if you plan to smoke, it can go south fast. Definatly, you have to try it once.
hell, if you can.. i find it hard for me to smoke while tripping, although i dont really like to do anything else on a trip.. if you do start to get uncomfortable and start to freak out or whatever.. be sure to tell someone, try not to fight it with your mind because it may escalate into a bad trip, lol.. smokin while tripping is soothing though and could calm you down, but as i said, go into the trip with nothing on your mind but a good time and good friends.. i mean theres so much that i, or someone else can tell you.. but once you dose up, all that is all out the window and up to your ability to control the drug.. if you do it a few times more you should find it easier to control, because you understand the drug more.

i mean really.. alot of psychadelics are going to give you the "everything is moving and twisting and spinning" effect, but the dose and the type of drug it is will determine everything.. some trips are heavy and you just sit there and fry for hours, others you feel happy and want to party and just hug everyone and talk up a storm.. and then theres dmt(ill leave it at that.. some may know) lmao
dmt...oh man...ROFL.

Yeah its pretty much up to your will-power once you dose up. Dont fight anything, let it happen and just tell yourself "fuck this shit is bomb, im trippin!" and you shouldnt get too messed up in the head. But like Scarrell said, tell someone if you start havin a bad time.

I usually like to smoke once the trip is waring off and its mostly body-high and awakeness. Do it during the day. A bright sunny day is IDEAL!

For me, my next trip WILL start at 10:00AM and last till the late night. That way you can get some rest and not be up when the sun comes out. Thats never fun.

So yeah, smoke when your coming down to relax yourself, and your mind. Becuase your mind just went though ALOT
i have more to add for acid is this.. if you can open your mouth as much as you can, and cant hold it, you're fryin lol.. and generally ive found that if you dose up at say 10am you probably wont be able to go to bed til 10am the next day lol. i hate the next day after tripping, im zombiefied and just clustered fucked
ha i do.. but everytime i trip i try to study it and connect with it.. i dunno.. i dont trip to just... do it i guess..
I know exactly what you mean. Its a life changing expeirince for me. I try to get deep with it, put things together, i do it because im seeing things they way no one else has
I know of DMT, I am pretty sure I could get acid and dmt if I wanted
but I am gonna wait a little while and do shrooms then acid. Man basically
alot of the people I know are like oh shrooms cool I liked em, or yea
those would be cool to try. Then once I bring up acid everyone if like oh
man don't try that it fucks you up man. Then everyone thinks it is some
horrible drug. Then I brought up dmt and everyone said don't fuck with that
man. One of my friends mentions yea I know people who do it and
they smoke it on a regular basis. Its like I am not that type of person to
do that. Also I just want to try this stuff because I heard dmt gives you
some kind of crazy spiritual experience. Another think is I have looked up
alot about how psychedelics open up a whole other door in life. Because
I think of all of this shit (like how life works and the point of it and shit)on
a regular basis and said I mind as well experience this stuff.