first timer from helllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

help any one i just started my first grow, i bought some really dank seeds. there called blueberry haze its a hybrid, the point is i did this because i never thought they would actualy grow but they are, my first seedling is 2 in tall and looking strong my other ones are berly sprouts, i need to know how much light i need since im doing a cfl set up so far i have 40 wts of cfls witch is around 100 wtts or so on real lights since cfls concume less energy so i need to know if i should buy more keep in mind thats just for one plant. im feeding it distilled water and i stumbled onto a box that says miracle gro plant food, idk if i should use it my plant is about 5 days old please ppl help me out this is a soil grow and im scared :?


Well-Known Member
first, why would you pay for seeds that you didnt think would grow?? that makes no sense??

to answer your questions tho..

yes buy more lights... as far as CFLs are concerned you CANT HAVE ENOUGH... i would say ideally you want 200 to 300w of CFLs for each plant.. it depends on your budget... but the more you can buy the better... there is no "have to have" amount... just know this.. more light = happier plants = more/stronger growth = heavier yields... so the more light the more your gonna yield in the end...

DO NOT use miracle gro if you can avoid it.. if you have a hydro store in your area and the money go buy a 2 or 3 part nute program.. something with specific veg and flower nutes... if money is tight and you HAVE to use the MG nutes... only go 1/4 to 1/2 strength.. MG can easily nute burn your plants... but if you use it and use it cautiously you can still have good results...

if you have any other questions feel free to check out my grow journal (link is in my signature below) and ask... or post on here...

hope this helped
good luck
