First Timer needs help identifying yellow spots on Skunk Seedling


Hello All,

I'm an imaginary role playing character that's new to these boards. So in my imagination, a little troll is growing three (soon to be 4) little magic plants under a 400w mw:


And one of the little girls (feminized) is a skunk #1 plant (sprouted April 12) with yellow spotting on her first set of true leaves. It also appears that the edge of the leaves are beginning to yellow slightly. At this point they are being fed BC Bloom and BC Boost at about quarter strength whenever rock wool becomes dry. Also, temp is maybe 82 max during day and 70 min at night. Here she is:


Is this natural? Nutrient deficiency? Toxicity? Thanks in advance for any help offered!:hump:


Well-Known Member
You water by hand......what ppms ph???You might be over feeding but hard to say.....have you been feeding since they sprouted???


Thank you for the reply jcdws602 and great avatar. They popped about two weeks ago and I'm feeding by hand until my hydro setup is complete. Ph is unmeasured but I am using clean rainwater. Upon sprouting, I watered as needed until the first set of true leaves appeared. I then fed with 100 ppm BC Grow and BC Boost up until today. I'm thinking its time to up the nutes? Two weeks old, what do you think?

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
They are kinda on the light side.......they sell drip heads at home depot for eight bucks and some spaghetti tubing for like 8 bucks as well,the most expensive thing is the pump which is like 20 30 bucks.......simple and inexpensive top feed set up all you need is some pots ($1-2 at home depot) and should feed like 3 times a day...and yeah you should bump up the ppms if they are at 100 ppm only......but ph could be your problem because of the water you are using......if ph is not at the desired range your plant will not uptake nutrients as needed...