First timer organic auto grow


New Member
Hello there!

Ive just started my first ever grow and wanted to connect with some like minded people. I've germinated my seeds using the tissue paper method and potted them in 4" pots with moist soil now sitting a couple of inches away from a 125w cfl. Here's my set up your opinions and insights greatly appreciated...


Queen Bluematic (feminised)

Plagron Light Mix

125w 6400k CFL fitted to hanging reflector. Have a 125w 2700k waiting for flowering period.
on a 18-6 schedule for veg

pH level

Spraying tap water that has been left standing for over 24hours when soil is dry on top

open loft windows

Should I be distilling the water or not using tap water at all? I'm in Manchester, England.

I know I don't need to worry about it for a couple of weeks but I'm not sure about nutes. I want to do an organic grow what easily accessible and cheap solutions are there?

any tips or insights for a newbie.?

i recently read about vertical growing. Should I go for this I feel a bit of nob for buying a reflector now but now I've got it I I want to out it to use but then again not at the detriment of yield. Opinions?

will post some pics when my babies show!

nice to meet you



Welcome! Your pH level looks good to me, but it might be a good idea to have water in a tub with an airstone/ pump (like used in fishtanks) to dissipate chlorine of chloramines if they're in your water. Also the added oxygen in the water will help with root growth, generally I hear wait till week 3 to start adding nutes in small doses (auto's seem especially sensitive to transplanting, water quality, nutes, and good drainage). I personally think you can get away with using cheap fertilizers like miracle grow, or horse manure if you can get some, worm castings are great, and molasses (blackstrap molasses is the best i think?) is a good supplement to add with the nutes you decide to use. I don't know much about the vertical growing, as long as the plant gets decent light.

It sound like you have a good setup, maybe add perlite if your soil doesn't drain well, and don't compact the soil too much. Also a bigger pot, like at least 1-2 gallon. And make sure to only water when the soil is pretty dry, I think overwatering is the biggest common mistake next to adding too many nutrients.