First timer. SOG set-up??


Well-Known Member
My ultimate goal is to produce 5oz (dried) every 2 weeks

Planning my first time grow. I'd like to have it pretty well thought out...
I have 3 rooms to choose from for my set up:

1. 8.6' x 7' (This one has stairs cutting through it so a 3' wide by 45 degree chunk is unusable. This room can stand alone.

2. 7' x 7' This room can also stand alone.

3. 10' x 11' This room may need to be passed through frequently to get to my basement which is a stinker because it's the biggest of the 3.

OR a combination of these rooms

What I was thinking is that room 1 could be a veg room and room 2 could be used for flowering. Is this to large of an area for the results I expect to achieve?

For my veg room what is an optimum set up? I am looking for easy maintenance. I want to have 1 or 2 mother plants, clones,and however many pre-flowers I can keep healthy in the remaining space. Issues to be addressed are:

Growing medium
(let me know if I have missed anything)

Will 600w MH be sufficient in here?
Are flourescents better or more efficient for this?
I like the idea of the ebb and flow technique but do I have to use seperate set ups for the mommas and the pre-flowers? I think the clones will be self contained in something off to the side but in the same room.

Flowering room set up

How many plants will there have to be total to produce 5oz every 2 weeks?
Will 1000w hps cover this?
Can I still use an ebb and flow technique?
Ventilation. What's it going to take? I would probably like to use a carbon filter

Well time to shower/get something to eat. I suppose that's all I can think of for now. Thank you in advance for any advice that you give. This should be pretty fun!

Murphys Law

Active Member
Look in Al B. Fuct's SOG thread, it has pretty much everything you need:

I'm no expert - far from it in fact, so take my advice with that in mind - but I think either of the smaller two rooms would be plenty big. Plus that way you don't have the need for anyone walking through there. That's a win win. You want to keep your op as low key as possible. And a single 1000hps for the flowering should be fine.

Figure about an OZ per plant, perhaps a bit less at first untill you gain experience. So maybe 6 plants getting harvested at a time if 5oz is the absolute minimum you want to get. If that production is moe of a ball park figure then a mandate you could do 5.

So you'd need 20-25 plants flowering at a time, with another 8-12 clones (you want more then you need to replace moms and account for some being weak), plus the mums. So about 35 total plants at any given time.

If the room with the stairs has them situated on one side, and you'd like to use that room, consider putting the clones under there since they won't need as much height.

Any ways, most of the specifics are better answered by some one else.


Well-Known Member
Yes read Al.B Fuct. This is a great thread.

I'm tring to do the same thing. Well I'm doing it now. I have 12 plants right now into flower and I will add 2-4 more plant every two weeks. I don't have a yield in mind at this time but I should get around 2-5 oz every two weeks.

I think one of the biggest things in the stain of the plant, if you have a high yielding plant then you will get a high amount.

I would use the 7' x 7' room for you flowering and either take a section for vegging. You can use panda film to make the section.

I make way more clones then I need but I take them and put them into the vegg area under fluo. tubes. It takes about two weeks for the cuttings to be rooted.(for me) give or take a few days. I then place them into solo cups for vegging.

I don't use ebb flood yet but once I get every thing else dialed in I will switch.

I would use two 600w digital hps systems for the flowering area.

You will get a bigger idea once you read Al. B Fuct threads. He spells it out much better then I can.

Good luck and keep me posted. I would like to see what you are doing.


Well-Known Member
LOGAN SMITH: im thinking about using a 7x7 or i can shrink it to what ever space(ex:6.5'x6.5'--6'x6'--5'x5') what type of lighting should u get for my room? and plant setup, i was gonna use the ebb and grow bucket system, dont kno how many plants yet


Well-Known Member
I am using the ebb&gro in a 9x4 area with 2 600 hps's and a 250mh. 12 buckets hooked up. Beennoobed if you lazy like me, and have extra cash lying around. pick up the ebb&gro. i dont know what i would do without it.


Well-Known Member
billybob, of course im f-in lazy, arent we all?? anyways, man i dont kno how to set up my room dude, i dont even kno where to start....
i figure if my room is 7x7 i can put 4 600W-hps in the and 9 Ebb&gro buckets under each light, think thaT WILL WORK? for a total of 36 plants under 4--6ooW-hps..thats like 49W-sq.ft, i guess thats good right?


Well-Known Member
sounds good to me. as you probly know the ebb and grow can support 48 plants. thats whats f-ing kickass about it.


Well-Known Member
if im using floros on my veg side and 1000w hps on my flowering side and the partition is open during the overlapping lights on period, is that ok?


Well-Known Member
You will or can wrape it with panda film, get the 6 mil it is black on one side and white on the other. Then you can get a roll of velcro to close it off.


Well-Known Member
Billy: i kno we talked b4 about this, but how can it support 48 buckets when the res is 55g? if i use 36 plants, how many gallons would i need to use?