First Timer


Active Member
My first time growing anything let alone weed. Started with a 150w CFL then bought a 200w and the girls loved it so i ended up with 3 200w and 1 150w. used shitty emergency heat blankets at first. then upgraded to black and white poly on the walls. used the cheapest things possible. used Micro, Bloom, and Grow for nutrients then added Big Bud powder during flowering. was given the seeds and decided to sprout them. any comments would be appreciated...please it's my first time go easy



Well-Known Member
She a little stretched, but other than that she looks excellent. She will enjoy those extra lights - keep them as close as possible. You can add molasses to your waterings to help fatten her up.


Active Member
yea i let her go crazy thought it would be nice to get a tall one. molasses eh? how much? 1 tea spoon per liter or more? never heard of that before!


Well-Known Member
Look in the Harvesting & Curing forum for tons of info. on molasses. I believe the ratio is something like one teaspoon or tablespoon per gallon. Keep us updated!