Fish experts help!


Well-Known Member
I got a pictus catfish not to long ago.. and well 2 days later its swimming oddly(twisting and turning in the tank looks kinda like what I think is something wrong with its swim bladder), seems to be breathing really fast, and sorta jumpy.. \

I don't think my fish found a meth dealer so any suggestions?

I was planning to add one more pictus but right now kinda nervous and at 8 bucks a pop kinda costly..


Well-Known Member
its probably a shark then lol

if its floating at the top sorta then its lung could be bursted, probably gonna need to get it a new lung. so if your worried about 8 bucks you should be worrying about getting your fish to a doctor asap cuz this could be costly


Well-Known Member
I guess it could be worse really, I mean it seemed to have issues with swimming from day one practically, so I think they gave me a sick fish..

All the other fish seem fine, and no trouble at all.


Well-Known Member
Well, it's possible that the method in which he was brought home may have had him smack a hard surface laterally, which will pop a swim bladder pretty quickly. That would explain the erratic swimming. Sick? It's possible. Either way the store should give you a new fish. Where did you buy it from?


Well-Known Member
Sorry Toasted :( My cat killed a hummingbird today... I like hummingbirds :(
if i see your cat im going to show it a picture of a hummingbird and then "cheese" it in the eye and watch the cat trip for an hour..Making it up to you by passing a B :)

(cheese= watch southpark lol)


Well-Known Member
Well, it's possible that the method in which he was brought home may have had him smack a hard surface laterally, which will pop a swim bladder pretty quickly. That would explain the erratic swimming. Sick? It's possible. Either way the store should give you a new fish. Where did you buy it from?
Petsmart, so I'm willing to bet it was sick. As for the bringing home I took extra care in making sure such things didn't happen.


Well-Known Member
if i see your cat im going to show it a picture of a hummingbird and then "cheese" it in the eye and watch the cat trip for an hour..Making it up to you by passing a B :)

(cheese= watch southpark lol)

LOL! Give me that b man! Hey, why does my cat smell like urine!?


Well-Known Member
*in a monty python voice* " This is a dead fish, this fish is deceased, no more"
sorry...Hope he makes it