fish shit!


Active Member
anybody used fish shit? it's about 350$ per gallon. i bought some goldfish and a goldfish bowl. i will water my girls with the dirty fishbowl water when i change the water. might not be as good as fish shit. but same idea. i also catch fish and make my own fishwater fertilizer. this is why i'm called fishwater.
You won't get "Sh*t out of the fishbowl water, other than water. It has to be pretty concentrated to be effective. It would kill the fish if the Nitrogen concentration was high enough to be good for the plants. Not saying that fish poop isn't good fertilizer, just hard to get from a fishbowl.
Bad idea with the goldfish bowl. The ammonia and nitrites will just build up. You need to keep it oxygenated for the good bacteria to break down the ammonia into nitrites and then the nitrites are converted to nitrates. It takes awhile for the cycle to get established. Check out aquaponics and the how the nitrogen cycle works. I'd also use fish food that's safe for edible fish. Those Tetra flakes are full of crap.
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anybody used fish shit? it's about 350$ per gallon. i bought some goldfish and a goldfish bowl. i will water my girls with the dirty fishbowl water when i change the water. might not be as good as fish shit. but same idea. i also catch fish and make my own fishwater fertilizer. this is why i'm called fishwater.
why so expensive? fish emulsion is maybe $10 a quart. not sure the difference but it smells like shit.
fish emulsion is just decomposed fish. fish shit is really fish shit. they don't call me fishwater for nothin!
it smells like diarhea and puke. but mostly N and doesnt burn plants. who would pay 350/gal for fish poop?
Aquaponics, put a plant in with the goldfish.

Fish Sh!t reminded me a lot of Green Planet Medi-One just either more concentrated or sold in smaller bottles for more.
Aquaponics, put a plant in with the goldfish.

Fish Sh!t reminded me a lot of Green Planet Medi-One just either more concentrated or sold in smaller bottles for more.
Those two products are 100% different from each other.
Fish sh!t is not a fertilizer.
Using ornamental fishs' poop for fertilizer is prob one of the worst ideas you could have. Why not just suck on the end of your car's tailpipe. Same effect. At least we KNOW what's coming out of the tail pipe. Can't say that about what's in ornamental fish food. There's 0 regulation on it. It could contain literally anything.
anybody used fish shit? it's about 350$ per gallon. i bought some goldfish and a goldfish bowl. i will water my girls with the dirty fishbowl water when i change the water. might not be as good as fish shit. but same idea. i also catch fish and make my own fishwater fertilizer. this is why i'm called fishwater.
The shit I hear you hippies dream up on a good stoner day makes me giggle. Fish shit? The 3 stooges would knock some sense into you. WAIT, I use Seabird Guano shit so I buy bird shit and use it like do fish water shit so I better keep my mouth shut sometimes.....