Flashback: Stories of your parents busting you


Remember back in highschool, when you first started tokin up, poppin pills whatever you're into, let's hear your stories of the parents busting you and your friends (:

When I was in highschool I got my license the day of my 16th birthday, this making getting caught "directly" pretty hard. So most of the time my mom ( my dad is a former pothead / meth dealer, doesn't smoke weed anymore due to probation from the dope dealing) never caught me with weed or smoking.

The most enjoyable story of me being caught was when I was in the 10th grade.
My dad was just like most of us in highschool, smoked weed, dropped acid, rolled you know, the usual. Well one day I walked in on him watching YouTube videos of salvia trips, he proceeded to explain salvia to me; to this day I am still utterly amazed by hallucinogens, they're extremely interesing to me;

So after learning about salvia I'm instantly hooked on getting some. So I tell one of my friends (both became potheads together) about it and he's just as interested as I am. So a few months down the line we figure out how we can get some, his brother.

So to skip all the extra bullshit, just know we got some lol.
So we have our gram of 70x and free glass pipe that came with it and we're sitting in my friends room, his mom was gone somewhere, so being extremely anxious, we both decided we should smoke it in his room, at the same time.

So we opened up one of his windows and started toking. Not knowing anything about salvia other than "it puts you in another dimension -my dad) within 5 seconds it hits me and I pass the pipe.
10 mins into our salvia session we're tripping fucking balls having a great time.
But then we see his mom drive up, immediately this changes my mind set, bad.
I start crying, screaming, hitting the wall just freaking out.

So here's some food for thought, imagine having to sober up on salvia to talk to a parent. HARD, so when she eventually comes in his room, she smells the salvia, but asks if we've been smoking pot, at this point she's freaking out like a mental patient rambeling about us smoking pot.

Eventually she chilled thE fuck out and left. And we just sat there with that weird feeling you get after salvia trips.

Sorry about the length of this post, I took my adderall about to go to work ha


Well-Known Member
when i was like 13 in my neighbor/bredrens garden my mum came out when we wernt expectin, im high as fuck, she looks at me and just says "what the fuck are you doing", me, totally licked and almost tripping just said "experimenting", she just walks away and closes the door, that very day i got arrested, i thought my parents had given up all hope on me on that day, i rejected them for weed, moved out and now im a succesful drug dealer in a house full of weedheads and criminals.


Active Member
I was all of 14 years old. I'm not even allowed to date, much less have a boyfriend.

My best friend Gloria was a preacher's daughter. You can bet she wasn't allowed to date or have a boyfriend either, lol.

We scored a lid, and decided to skip our last 2 classes in Jr. High. We took the bus to where her boyfriend was working...in a gas station at the end of town.
We rolled a couple of fat ones, and since he was in the station alone, we fired them up in the office. Back in these days self-service was not the norm, so when someone came in for gas, he had to go do the full service treatment.
After a few customers had come and gone, we noticed a cop car with lights on rush into the parking lot. The office reeked of pot.

Long story short, we got taken to the station. They confiscated the lid in my purse, and called our parents to come pick us up.
Smoking pot, ditching school, and hanging out at preacher's daughter's boyfriend's gas station.

Yea, we were in trouble. :grin: Gloria's preacher father banned us from hanging out together, so from then on we had to sneak around just to see each other.

I have another story I will tell later....almost got busted just a few weeks later (after we got off from being grounded)...when we went to Magic Mountain. Sweet justice when we were able to make the rent-a-cop look like a fool.