Flipping my lights to 12/12!!! Where do I take the time off???

My current dark cycle is 130p-730p. So my question is do I just take 6 hours off the end of dark cycle, beg. of dark cycle. Or do I take 3 and 3 of each end. Or does it not matter and the cannabis will flower fine as long as it's 12 uninterrupted hours? I would like it to be 11a-11p if at all possible to miss the heat of the day these next coming months.

Please take a look at my grow too!


Active Member
Dude. I have my plants on at 11 AM to 11 PM and off at 11PM to 11AM. It works great. You can just switch straight to the light cycle. Mine came from 24/7 and they are fine. Just put it on the schedule you want and stick with that schedule. If you change it to much or miss turning the lights on or off it could stress the plants which may cause males or hermies.