Flood and Drain help plz rate my system n help me change for the better


Hi this is my first post so am new to posting, and hydroponics pleeasae help me change or alter for the betterm it is a dual tray flood and drain the flood chamber small so i need input for howlong to kepp ect so on and so, picss added soon peace ! tenbob


rite heres sum pics uploaded at first i was flooding 10 times a day for 15 mins but have turned to 5 times a day
strains are thr biggest is 1 month n 1 week from fem seed and is big budda blue cheese, the 1 on the left is nivana blue mystic normal seed and the on in the pot is this also, the cuttin in the middle is uk cheese, my cuttins are g 13 , and just one off each plant for mothering the left mystic is 3 n half weeks old and the other is also the same age but from diffrent light so had issuse as u see i have removed a few leaves on the blue chessse n also toped, bent, to create break for new shoot n re bent back 5 days later i have f.i.m a few shoots on all plants too plz help me make better all replys will be consided thanks .peace tenbob



hey tenbob baks also its a 250 lph pump fills in 2 mins emtys in 3 mins nuts is 30 ltr n areated if u need more pics just say and i am also working on dwc form cuttings maybe my final will b 4 plants in the flood and drain two eather side and dwc for the babiiies


Well-Known Member
bob, your plants look very nice, you should be very pleased with the BB blue cheese, its in my top 3 favorite strains of all time, you might never every see better bag apeal in your life! let her flower 10 weeks you have light greens, purples and white powder sugar crystals. the only thing is you may want to start flowering soon, although in hydro vs potted plants you dont need as much space in the root zone, you can probably finish plants at 3ft max in the tray, i had a blue cheese pheno that was very lanky and stretchy so thats why i suggest you start flower soon, maybe flood once every 3 hours. what nutrients do you use mate?


arr plants starting to show signs of salt on leaves so scrapped the ebb as soil is better for errors as these will be my mothers soil is good for now till my ec meter comes big issue on humidity also, plants looking awsome now pics later on tonite :D


Well-Known Member
I sub'd bro mine are about 1 week behind you mine sprouted 3/4/10 when did yours sprout? Btw yours look good are you topping them or doing a scrog or a sog good luck man cant wait for the pics. I cant do pics I got this firefox shit and idk how to do the pics on this.


Well-Known Member
what do you mean salt on leaves? scrap the ebb for dirt bro? cmon it all automated so easy and you can fix a problem basically overnight cus you have more control as opposed to dirt where you dont know whats going on down there. could this salt on your leaves be powdery mildew?


Well-Known Member
rite heres sum pics uploaded at first i was flooding 10 times a day for 15 mins but have turned to 5 times a day
strains are thr biggest is 1 month n 1 week from fem seed and is big budda blue cheese, the 1 on the left is nivana blue mystic normal seed and the on in the pot is this also, the cuttin in the middle is uk cheese, my cuttins are g 13 , and just one off each plant for mothering the left mystic is 3 n half weeks old and the other is also the same age but from diffrent light so had issuse as u see i have removed a few leaves on the blue chessse n also toped, bent, to create break for new shoot n re bent back 5 days later i have f.i.m a few shoots on all plants too plz help me make better all replys will be consided thanks .peace tenbob
Why did you change the times? from 10 to5 I just went to 10x's a day yesterday cuz mine were droopy and they came out explosive today. Well I just started today I was doin 5x's tho Why you change?


hey i have more pics here, k for question time, as u can see my blue cheese is 1 week older than my blue mystic, and my little cheese plant 4 weeks younger i had them allin 1 flood and drain, my biig plants were fine on 10 times aday but my smaller 1 the cheese was only needed less water, rule of thumb for me the older the plants the more times u flood, keep the flood cycle at 15 mins and grenerall increase floods to a 15 min flood every hour, so it was fine but i have just bought a tent and i havent got an extractor yrt, leads to big humdity problems, my plants were fine but my litle cheese was coping with the floods and i can only asume over fert as my leaves were goin lighter colour and i noticed a salty residue on theleaves, my nuts i use if iconic hydro hard warter as my water is hard, i have a nft but im not messing with hydro till i get a fan i a week love the dole!! k well heres more pics my g 13 didnt make it through the cutting stage but i have a successfull bm cutting now rooted i have 3 bule cheese n 5 bm cuttings now propergating, i started i hade bc and bm i deciced to chop 1 up the blue and leave the mystic and see wat would happen well am well impressed with the fim, and top i have now fimed allmy plants as i would recomend to any 1 start young u will get the results u will see by my pics, i have now 5 tops fromwhen i fim'd my bm but b4 that i didnt touch and i wished i did but play safe and make ur own opinion sorry for the wait as u can see i have transplanted all my plants its been a bit stressfull for me but my plants seem to be likeing it fine especially baby cheese k peace and ask as many questions il try anwser as best as i can i have a few side shots so u can decide ur self :D:D



Hey guys dont get me wrong i will be back on hydro very soon nftn flood and drain hydro the way forward im just lacking extractor , and ec meter once i have itll be on @:) enjoy and dont u fink fim young rulz my little cuttings got fim, or toped at just 2 node :D


hey lads jus to say i appreciate ur input it mite not look like they have grown descatlly but the blue cheese got fimed on every top, resulting in massive new small growt5h as ive been working on new tops rather than hight at the mo i recoon am a give a week or to to recover get bak on the flood and drain get my young ones in the nft and ad anoither cfl buld so the nft can have is own light and go for a bit ov a strech on the blue cheese as all the new growth is briliant i have about 40-50 tops hidden in the bc, u cant reki see on the pics its a bit conjested but give it a week or to to get strong n big the new growth on the bc has alread noded on all ov the new growth they are too close for mylikely ness do u recon a bit of a strech on the bc for the new growth or u recon let it node close and up and leave the streching for budding time,mr green ur imput is highly taken in as its in ur top 3 strains thanks peace tenbob.also heres a pic its hard to get a gud one allnew growth as 1- 2 nodes !! all new growth from the fimi gave a week and 2 days ago k



Well-Known Member
dont ditch the dro because you dont have proper meters brom heres a popular seller of good stuff, this is the one i use and its dirt cheap http://www.eseasongear.com/ppmmeter.html, they also have ebay postings that are cheaper, i got that HM for 20$ and for $50 i got a milwaukee ph/temp. milwaukee also makes a $20 meter, its yellow called the PH600 that i had for over a yr


hi i am back on flood and drain my small chese is in there i plan to take cuttins and fill the hydro only with the cheese, blue cheese staying in coco, blue mystic signs of male pre flower + quite a bit of transplant shock root damage suspectible it was coverd in soil tho, pics very soon just let um settle first only little cheese and blue mystic in hydro ppm800- 1000 mite be high but dont fink so 2nd week of rooted cheese cutting 4 week old total, fimed 2 shoots toped 1 smalltransplant shock hopefully will be ok peace


enjoy check out all the new growth on the bb blue cheese small stress training also i have included a pic of the suspect male preflower it looks like a reli small ball with a hair or summat sticking out give it a few days n ill now for sure


hey ive just added a 400 wat hps dual spectrum as well as my smaller lite carbon filter expected soon, ne changes, small bubller for cheese n 2 baby cheese cuttins whitch have rooted only blue cheese n blue mystic in flood pics cuming soon quite impressive :D:D