Flood and drain tray size


Well-Known Member
Hi all, I wonder if anyone could give any advice pls.

I am making a setup with 2 rooms I want to use the flood and drain method. If I use a 1 square meter tray in the flower room what sort of size would I need in the veg room, would I need one so big? mI was thinking that I may need one as big if I was going to use rockwool cubes as they would take up the same room in either tray even tho the plants are smaller.

Can anyone advise pls, thanks

Also how many plants should I be looking to farm in a 1 square meter tray,
2-3 per square foot?

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
As you probably know your plants will get significantly bigger in the flower room. Even if they are in the same size pots, you will probably have to space them further away from eachother, taking up more room. At least that is what I have experienced.
The answer to your question kind of depends on what you want to do. If you plan to keep big mother plants in your veg room, you'll need the space. If you are going to keep your mothers in a different location, then you will probably not need as much room in your veg room as you have in the flower room.

How many plants per square foot, depends on the physical characteristics of each plant. You might find that its physically impossible to have more than one plant per square foot. If you really jam a bunch of plants in there, make sure you have sufficient light for all of them. For 1 m2 you're gonna want at least a 400w HPS. 600w would be better.


Well-Known Member
The 600 watt will be much better for the flowering. You hvae 100% more light for 50% more energy cost. I'm using the 400watt now with a similar set up and I will upgrade. Generally you should devote twice as much space to flowering as you do for clone/vegging space. I have to space my plants at 1'sq so 12 plants /sqmtr. If youwant to have 2 or more /sqft you should get the 600watt. Hope this helps

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Instead of using tray space with big lights for vegging, do the Sea of Green method and use that space for flowering.

The only plants you actually need to veg are a few small mothers, which you can maintain under 24 hour or 18/6 lighting in a very tiny floor area under a rather small HPS or MH light- or even fluoros. Devote the remainder of your available grow space to flowering.

As soon as clones set root, just chuck them straight in to flower under your big lights, with no veg time at all. In week 2-3, trim off all the branching on the lower 1/3 of the plant so you only get the big top cola and fat buds on the mainstem. The little buds on lower branches are a pain to manicure and the lower branches restrict air circulation. May as well not grow that part of the plant! Let the plant put its energy into making the nice fat top cola alone.

The clones will veg up a little, even under 12/12 light, for the first 3 weeks. Then they stop gaining height and just make bud. Plants top out at about 24-36" tall depending on the power output of the lighting and other conditions.

The major downside to SoG is that you grow a larger number of smaller plants. High plant counts can be a serious legal problem in some areas.

I run a SoG in flood trays (see pics) and consistently get 33-36" tall plants with a 1000w HPS.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the help guys.

I was thinking SOG to start but have been a bit concerned about plant numbers and the legal implications. In the UK there does not seem to be a strict plant number or amount that fits a penalty it seems very much hit and miss.
i was thinking of using flood and drain for my small grow and the sog but as im still new i still new abit of help on my grow desighn i was wondering FUCT if you could pm me , thanks