Floramite-anyone else have any opinions???

Hey peeps.im new to these forums,been offline for a while til recently.nice job.im interested in what you guys think of Floramite[for spidermites]...im here in the uk and so many spidermite pesticides here tend not to work,but as im in the uk and i can now get it on ebay without paying shipping[i paid £19.99 for a fluid oz-another guy wanted the a score for just 4ml!!!]and ive gotta say two weeks later,im still totally mite free!!for the first time in years,oh,im over the moon i can tell you-but-theres always a down side aint there?how safe is the stuff ton use?i know it cant be used more than twice a year on crops-and i know you shouldnt use it 5 weeks or nearer to harvest...............
ive just had such a battle with them i wouldve resorted to buying it in if itd been neccasry.imalso hearing avid and forbid-any views???
I've sprayed it outdoors at my old job. It works. I don't think it works on mite eggs. We used to use Floromite and Forbid combined.
I wouldn't spray above 85-90F.