Florida Outdoor Flowering Question


I searched for a thread on outdoor flowering and found one, read through, and really couldn't find the specific answer I was looking for so... Here goes:

I'm in West coast Florida and I currently have just 1 plant growing. I started a little late in the season which turned out not to be that big of deal considering it stays warm almost all the time here. The only thing you have to worry about is rain over watering it.

Anyways, my plant is about 2 1/2 - 3 feet tall. It has very small hairs growing in some places on the plant, but I feel like it's still in the veg stage. Either way, I know I can expect this plant to harvest some time in the fall.

My question is, I plan on growing more seeds all throughout the year, even planting around september/early October. I heard this will work because I live in Florida, what do you think? Also, if they do start to grow, how would flowering work in that situation? I mean.. If I started growing a plant during the flowering months.

I've heard of people covering up there plants to give it 12/12 outdoors, but this would be really tedious for me because my spot is pretty deep into the woods.