Flowering cyclus interupted


Active Member
Hello tonight i totally fucked up when i have not turned of light but extraction fan so 10 hours more light and without extraction fan just one very weak cirkulation fan was on.
Plants are one which i leave few more days to harvest this one has hard slim buds so there i am not so worried about bud rot Second is maybe 2-2,5 weeks to harvest with bigger buds already there i am mostly worried about bud rot... and two plants in maybe 4-5 and 5-6 week of flowering up to now mostly just big white hairs bud material just rapidly growing... so should i be worried also about 10hours more light or would that just stress them a bit without visible difference ?RH was 85% on the edge of that day watered pot so maybe few % more like other places in tent
when i found it i have turned light off ventilaiton on so i have no photo now.
Question is how should i continue ? should i just leave it like it is now from 6 to 6 ?
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Definitely nothing else i can do but i am worried like always when something happened .... and i didnt know at the end outside of several bud rotten tops. which i think vere more because RH was often over 60% all day in summer even with extraction on and weak circulation fans i am more worried about that light that happened first time to me.Last grow it happened once or twice with ventilaiton but not for 10hours and from two plants there was one absolute top bud very very little between stem and bud
You really need to pick up a dehumidifier if you have humidity in the 60s and are getting bud rot. The biggest problem is probably lack of airflow. You need to have air blowing gently over the tops constantly and if the canopy is dense it's a good idea to have some kind of oscillating fan gently blowing air up through the canopy from underneath. Your extraction fan has to be able to keep up with the be size of the be tent and they can also wear out over time. With poor airflow you should be trying to get humidity down to 45% or less if possible. Removing a few of the biggest fan leaves can help with airflow and cutting down the humidity a little bit too.
A few grows back l tried enriching co2 tent was in 90s and 85% rh, no rot and they loved it, extractor fan came on 1hr b4 lights out to 1 hr after to flush humidity and refresh o2.. left tent sealed at least 1hr after lights on to suck up accumilated co2, was hot and muggy but they were respirating like a long distance runner. And grew very well, no pm which l have in my area, no budrot but then again wasnt growing big bud variety. Pm grows best between 50rh and 70rh. So l try to stay out of that rh zone. When l see rot its time to chop. No delaying it. Area calls for that in summer mostly. Though have had pm in winter too.
You really need to pick up a dehumidifier if you have humidity in the 60s and are getting bud rot. The biggest problem is probably lack of airflow. You need to have air blowing gently over the tops constantly and if the canopy is dense it's a good idea to have some kind of oscillating fan gently blowing air up through the canopy from underneath. Your extraction fan has to be able to keep up with the be size of the be tent and they can also wear out over time. With poor airflow you should be trying to get humidity down to 45% or less if possible. Removing a few of the biggest fan leaves can help with airflow and cutting down the humidity a little bit too.
i have also dehumidifier 11l/24h which was out between two tents because both were full also i always packed those tent with 6 plants now i have 4.
And humidity some days never gonna under 55 even outside of tent now it looks better with humidity but also it was winter and it was without problems most of time under 40% so i thought imaybe give humidifier on light breeze i think that 4 plants would be best solution also with maybe stronger extraction fan or add one for sucking outside air from down of tent
You say bud rotting at the tops? What type of light, power setting and distance from the top of the canopy? Post a picture of the damage.
You say bud rotting at the tops? What type of light, power setting and distance from the top of the canopy? Post a picture of the damage.
not tops we call that in my language literally biggest nicest bud... and was in good portion of mine plants with budrot i saved what i can and it kept getting better every harvest but always i had there at least this one fucked day when i acted like retarded person but thats not just weed today.
Light was marshydro tsw 2000 in middle of these grow there have been good price for lumatek 300w pro so i bought that and changed in other tent i have one marshydro ts 1000 updated version and grow the jungle nemesis 200w under this light it grows really nice but it is cheaply constructed and without dimmer also bought it for good price i think lights are definitely not problem under that lumatek it grows almost same like marshydro except light penetration so lower buds are nicer and hanging height when plant grows more than i liike i would from 20cm to maybe 45-50cm for not so big brands i try to keep it around 35-40
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