Flowering For 1 month now can I Harvest


Well-Known Member
i been flowering for 1 month now and im wondering if i can harvest it now i been using cfl to flower but there lots of crystals on my plants and like 2 to 3 inch buds wit alot of white hairs climing off it i assume i got neaar a half ounce but can i harvest this now its been a month and i have others to flower now so i need the space so im just wondering if its good now if i harvest it and let the buds dry im sure it will get me fryed right cause its stinks like mad and the crystals are covering alot of the leafs??? thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
post up some pics for starters and do you have a magnifing glass thats the true way to determine harvest time by looking at the crystals(tricomes) usually a milky to redish color will indicate ripeness/..good luck cant w8 to see em.


Well-Known Member
yeh it will get you high but not for long,,but you havnt flushed yet plus the quality will be poor and itll be a waist coz in the last few weeks there will be a growth spurt,so you should finish the grow,somehow just make room for it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,peace


Well-Known Member
don't do what i did bro. it may look reeeeeal good right now but you've wasted your time if you pull it now. 1 month ????? NO WAY its ready bro......don't waste all your time and effort. as you've already read the trichs need to be at least a percentage amber, a good % if you want that good spicoli high, and you need to flush and cure. lol.....did the saaaaaame thing last year, got pissed, tried again and did it right and.....BOOM !!!! Oh the difference a few weeks can make. Sounds like you got some sweet babies though. good luck.and yeah water them reeeeal well, till you see drainage...... like twice before you pull. Get all the nutes out, taste better in the long run.


Well-Known Member
wow.....yeah man they are less than half of what they will be if you start feeding them and let em grow for another 4-5 weeks. my avitar is my kush at around 5 weeks. if you have the money get your self at good nute solution(look under grow faqs) feed em for a few weeks and start flushing when the trichomes are about 25% amber. you can get a cheap 100x magnifyer for 20-30 bucks. if you have good genetics get the most outta them.


Well-Known Member
get a 30x or better jewlers loupe ebay bay buy now 99p just got one came other day brand new in case its sound cost extra £1.50 postage £2.49 total


Well-Known Member
well i dont have nutrients so im not using any of that just plain water so i dont know if the buds are going to get any bigger at all


Well-Known Member
your not even close yet man. 1 month? buds fatten the MOST in the last 2-3 weeks. just wait and youll see. i looked at your pics. you say they will not get any bigger. i say they have the potenial to triple in size. and why cant you get any cheap effective nutients?


Well-Known Member
If you have been flowering for only a month you have ATLEAST 1 more month until its worth cutting. Why waist the time and effort you have put into this and end up with half the harvest, and even if it is half of what you would get, it won't be good weed. Just wait, its hard but that plant is just going to keep getting better and better. Go get some cheap tomato plant nutrients for your plant man, it's worth it.


Well-Known Member
if your sturgling to get neuts in your area, get a good tomatoe feed better than using nothing mix at half strenth dont mix as sugested for tomatoe its too strong, imo