Flowering in 90 degree weather


Well-Known Member
Can I still flower in this hot of weather? I have an AC unit running but can't handle the heat from the lights and the heat from outside. Currently I have one fan and I am wondering if getting multiple would have any affect? Is there any other options to keep the heat down ? The room is 150sq ft and the AC is 8000 BTU , i thought it was alot but the lights are 400w LEDs so theres alot of heat.
90° is fine. Especially leds. Just do what you can to keep it down. Lots of air exchange is key. Don't let that hot air stand still.
Of coarse it can! But 90 isn't going to be anything noticeable, if at all. You just dont want them to get heat stress. Then they will be more concerned about the stress then growing flowers.
Post a pick of your setup bro. Plants will tell you if they are happy or not.
you're wasting a ton of light and generating more heat than needed. put up some white plastic sheets or silver foam board or something. and try to concentrate the air conditioner more on the plants.
Get a better unit, clean up EVERYTHING & try to seal up anything that might leak cold air out.

I also grow in 1500cu.ft, with an 8500 btu window unit i have no issues diving my room into the mid 60's with 1500w of lighting, even when its 90f outside.
Get a better unit, clean up EVERYTHING & try to seal up anything that might leak cold air out.

I also grow in 1500cu.ft, with an 8500 btu window unit i have no issues diving my room into the mid 60's with 1500w of lighting, even when its 90f outside.

My space is only 150 sqft. The AC unit is 8000 BTU. This should be fine with only 400w lighting. But it is not.

I hear you guys on cleaning up I'll do that tonight. Thank you.
White walls are fine. Keep the air moving like everyone else said. Shut your lights off when your canopy reaches 105 (F). Drive your humidity down. From the heat your buds will be airier and you'll lose some weight. It's a trade off. I live and grow in the Mojave Desert. I do not air condition. I can't afford the electrical for that here and since I don't grow to sell (I breed and strain hunt for pain relief strains) I'm not willing to pay thousands more for electricity.

My canopy runs about 100 and I shut my lights off at 105. It doesn't hurt them. Running at night will help keep your temps lower (be scrupulous about light leaks). My humidity runs around 10% which helps. Still air will cook them so move air. Here is one of my girls at 10+ weeks today. The temp is about 90 in this pic and the odd light is the reflection from my Method 7's I put over the camera lens to filter out the HPS.

Best of luck with your grow.
White walls are fine. Keep the air moving like everyone else said. Shut your lights off when your canopy reaches 105 (F). Drive your humidity down. From the heat your buds will be airier and you'll lose some weight. It's a trade off. I live and grow in the Mojave Desert. I do not air condition. I can't afford the electrical for that here and since I don't grow to sell (I breed and strain hunt for pain relief strains) I'm not willing to pay thousands more for electricity.

My canopy runs about 100 and I shut my lights off at 105. It doesn't hurt them. Running at night will help keep your temps lower (be scrupulous about light leaks). My humidity runs around 10% which helps. Still air will cook them so move air. Here is one of my girls at 10+ weeks today. The temp is about 90 in this pic and the odd light is the reflection from my Method 7's I put over the camera lens to filter out the HPS.

Best of luck with your grow.
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Can't even tell that it's that hot looks great.