flowering issues.

hi i was on here sevral months ago. some of you may remember. i was given a plant, well i was just going to see if i could get anything from it, as it was outside to inside. i had a long convo with a lad on here who was very helpful. i got alot of equipment, but still need to get some, so im not yet ready to grow more, atleast untill i learn more.

i had real problems with the plant, first off it was root bound, so i got a new pot. then the plant all but died, due to wrong lighting times, it was bare. i have some old pics on my account you can see for yourself, only it got much worse.
anyway, after speaking to the helpful lad on here, i purchased a tent and proper light etc, well the plant exploded into life. was very impressive. at first the plant was in my waredrobe, but it got to big. now i chopped this plant clean in half to try and control it. (was a drunken stupid moment) either way, it worked and this plant is now super huge and fills my tent on its own! branches evreywhere, not 2 or 4 colas more like 6-7 :)

so i have the tent, i have the nutes, the temp is sweet day and night, 400w HPS light on a 12 hour cycle and some ventilation. (i cant afford the filter kits right now) the plant is budding, lots, all over. i never seen so much bud on a indoor plant, serious. the thing is, i changed the lighting to a 12 hour cycle and it budded super quick, but its got a certain stage and just stopped, disspite having these buds all over the plant, they just not getting any bigger. they have been the same size for over a week now.

any ideas whats up with her?
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well sort of, it looks like the arew but then more leafs come out of it. the are small but dense i guess. if by trics you mean the crystals on the leafs and buds, right? well first time i tryed to bud this (before i nearly killed it) it stank really bad, was really sticky and covered in "trics"?, this time around it has hardly no smell and ther are no crystals?


Well-Known Member
give it time,.......... it will blossom. it isn't done till you start seeing the brown crystals.

flowering for 2 weeks and you are mad about that? lol..... that's really good process and it's going to be fat in a month


Active Member
yes but flowering can take 8weeks or more wether it was vegged for a week or a year flowering time would still be 8weeks +
thanks guys, i will wait. i only asked because i read somewhere flowering only takes two weeks. i thought it might be root bound again. its really thirsty too, im giving it 4ltrs of water with 20ml of soil bloom every 2 days. lol!

as you can see, im going to get ALOT of bud off this plant, im really excited.