Flowering lights left on!! advice needed! :)

Hey guys, i'm fairly new to this and currently on my first grow! (1 white rhino, 1 big bang, 1 hawaiian snow all from greenhouse seed and 1 bagseed.
i am currently approaching the end of my second week of flowering and came into my room this morning to find i had left my light on overnight! :(
From reading other articles i am not hugely concerned as all the feedback seems to say that the plants will be ok, but i haven't found anything particularly clear as to how long my lights should stay off for to correct this.
My typical light cycle is 7:45am to 7:45 pm, and i discovered the light was on in the AM, am i better to now leave the plants in darkness until 7:45 tomorrow morning or just fire it back up at 7:45 this evening and give them 12 hours at night now instead? i'm just looking for the most efficient way to get my plants back on track it doesn't really bother me if the lights run in the day or in the night i just want my girls to stay as healthy as possible :)
and thoughts or opinions or information would be really helpful!
thanks team


Well-Known Member
do'nt keep flipping light schedules that will stress the plants, just resume normal schedule and use timers bro, avoid mistakes...


Active Member
No matter what the plant has noticed something has changed and probably doesn't like it.

However, my suggestion is to get the cycle back to normal ASAP. meaning if it's suppose to be dark period now then turn it off the light. If 7:45am is the normal dawn then leave like that.

Also suggest investing in a $15 timer if you don't already have one.

- SB -


Active Member
Yes, timer. You can pick up grounded timers at wally world for 7 bucks for a dual outlet. Just bought one yesterday.
Thanks guys :D the girls will sleep the rest of the day and start a fresh in the morning! I did use a timer but it reset it's memory during a power outage, luckily it was during veg so no harm done, but I never really trusted it after that, so angry at myself that I let this happen, seems like I spend all my time thinking about those plants and still I forgot, the shame.
But thanks for the quick feedback errbody.