Flowering Outdoor Clones


hello everyone I had some questions about flowerin clones I received 2 from my caretaker didn't give me much info on them besides strain blue dream n raskal og but, he said there flowerin but I can put them outside and they'll reveg since it's only may 4th in socal... So what do you guys think they'll reveg because I've had them for 9days and I've notice no growth and still induced in flowerin also I have 4 seeds germinated were the seed pop and there's about half an inch root can I put them in soil now :) thank you for your input.


Well-Known Member
yeah plant those seeds tail down about half inch into some light soil

and yes if you put your clones outside they should revert back to veg stage


Well-Known Member
when do they start to flower in NOR CAL or SO CAL??? first time outdoor grower here..spent 5 years indoor and now im about to mix it up